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T-AP Digging Into Data Challenge 2016 Canadian Funders Webinar and Info-Session April 2016 Presented by: Mika Oehling, Program Officer Crystal Sissons,

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Presentation on theme: "T-AP Digging Into Data Challenge 2016 Canadian Funders Webinar and Info-Session April 2016 Presented by: Mika Oehling, Program Officer Crystal Sissons,"— Presentation transcript:

1 T-AP Digging Into Data Challenge 2016 Canadian Funders Webinar and Info-Session April 2016 Presented by: Mika Oehling, Program Officer Crystal Sissons, Acting Manager (As well as other representatives of Canadian partner funding agencies)

2 Presentation Outline Overview of the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) and the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge How to Apply Questions Contact Us

3 What is T-AP? Formed in October 2013, the Trans- Atlantic Platform is a collaboration between key humanities and social science funders in South America, North America and Europe. The European Commission funds and acts as an observer of the Platform

4 Who is on T-AP? The Trans-Atlantic Platform includes research funding organizations from South America, North America and Europe. São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Brazil) São Paulo Research Foundation Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) – part of the German Aerospace Center (Germany) DLR Project Management Agency Academy of Finland (AKA) Academy of Finland International Social Science Council (France) International Social Science Council The French National Research Agency (France) The French National Research Agency Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologίa (CONACYT) (Mexico) Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologίa Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research—Humanities (NWO—Humanities) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research—Humanities Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research—Social Sciences (NWO—Social Sciences) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research—Social Sciences Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal) Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) United Kingdom) Arts & Humanities Research Council The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (United Kingdom) The Economic and Social Research Council

5 The Platform’s associated partners include the following: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (United States of America) National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation (NSF) United States of America) National Science Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Germany) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) (Chile) Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) (Canada) Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (MINCYT) (Argentina) Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva

6 CountryParticipating Funders Argentina MINCyT BrazilFAPESP CanadaSSHRC, NSERC, FRQST, FRQNT FinlandAKA FranceANR GermanyDFG MexicoCONACYT NetherlandsNWO PortugalFCT United KingdomAHRC, ESRC United StatesNEH, NSF, IMLS T-AP Digging into Data Challenge Participating Funders

7 The Digging into Data Challenge has been funding cutting-edge digital research in the humanities and social sciences since 2009. Now under the auspices of T-AP, the program will support collaborative research teams from three continents:Digging into Data Challenge Europe North America; and South America

8 What does this mean? A Funding opportunity for researchers working with data in the social sciences and humanities to collaborate on both sides of the Atlantic A minimum of three partners (3 countries) A truly interdisciplinary, international research venture Projects ranging from 24-36 months in duration

9 Overall Project with Identified Overall Project Lead (PI) Country 1 (Country PD/PI) Country 2 (Country PD/PI) Country 3 (Country PD/PI) Overall Project Lead (PI) submits project to NEH Minimum of 3 countries with countries with representation on both sides of the Atlantic How does this work?

10 Canadians decide to plan project with Netherlands and United States Participants from each country review the Main RFP and the country specific addendums Project Proposal is designed with 1 lead PD/PI for the entire project, and 1 PD/PI for each country Roles and budgets are designed based on individual funders mandates and eligibility rules

11 Example – 2013 Competition Digging into Linked Parliamentary Data (DiLiPaD) Dutch Team: University of Amsterdam PD/PI: Maarten Marx United Kingdom Team: University of London PD/PI: Jane Winters Canadian Team: University of Toronto Scarborough PD/PI: Christopher Cochrane Overall Team Project Lead SSHRC Request with SSHRC PD/PI NSERC Request with NSERC PD/PI


13 Visit the Digging into Data Challenge website and consult the main Request for Proposals for the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge Review each individual country or funder addendum applicable to your proposed project. Please note: these documents contain additional information as well as instructions that must be followed to ensure that your project retains its eligibility within the competition. A project may be declared ineligible if one or more funders are unable to proceed with project review (i.e. the project falls outside of its legislated mandate) How to Apply - General

14 How to Apply – Canadian Specific Review the Canadian Addendum Determine which Canadian funder(s) you will be requesting funds from Ensure that your proposal falls within the funder(s) mandate(s) and/or funding rules and regulations Determine who will be the individual and overall Canadian project lead and PDs/PIs

15 How to Apply – Canadian Specific SSHRCNSERCFRQSC/FRQNT Will fund independentlyYes No (must have SSHRC and/or NSERC) Max. Funding request for the duration of the project (CAD) $100,000 $75,000 + 27% overhead Budget & Justification Required Yes Budget Rules to followTAFAG Common General Rules - FRQ Additional forms required by the funder – before the deadline Yes

16 How to Apply – Canadian Specific UK main PI/PD Submits project to NEH With a budget form for the UK Canadian (SSHRC) PI/PD Budget form submitted for SSHRC Country X PI/PD Budget form submitted for the relevant funder

17 How to Apply – Canadian Specific Canada (SSHRC) main PI/PD Submits project to NEH With a budget form submitted $100,000 Canada (NSERC) PI/PD Budget form for NSERC submitted for $100,000 Canada (FRQSC/FRQNT) PI/PD Budget form submitted for $75,000 Country X Budget form submitted for country X Country Y Budget form submitted for country Y One of these countries must be on the other side of the Atlantic

18 How to Apply – Canadian Specific Finland main PI/PD Submits project to NEH with budget form submitted for Finland Canada (NSERC) Budget form submitted to NSERC for $100,000 Country X Budget form submitted for Country X Country Y (Funder 1) Budget form submitted for Y-1 Country Y (Funder 2) Budget form submitted for Y-2

19 Review the “How to Submit your Application Step-by-Step Instructions” Create as outlined the following 10 separate PDF files (this can be done independently of the submission portal: 1) Statement of Significance. 2) Table of Contents. 3) Narrative. 4) References Cited. 5) Data Management Plan (DMP). 6) Project Management, Dissemination, and Communications Plan (PMDC). 7) Budget & Justification of Resources. 8) Résumés. 9) Letters of Commitment. 10) Appendices How to Apply – Submitting the Overall Project

20 Timelines DateDescription March 1, 2016T-AP Digging into Data Competition Launch April 15, 2016T-AP Digging into Data Submission Portal Opens April 19, 20, 2016Canadian webinars June 29, 2016 @ 23:59 GMT Application Deadline* Summer/Fall 2016Project Review and Adjudication After April 2017Results Announced *In addition to submitting the Overall PI submitting the project to the NEH, Canadian PIs need to ensure that they have submitted their required documents to each Canadian funder they applied to. Failure to do so will render that section of the application ineligible, compromising the project as a whole.

21 Awards announced: after April 2017 Projects estimated start date: June 2017 White Papers (FRR) due: 2020 End of Project Conference: 2020 Post Award Timelines

22 Tips for Applying Start early Review the Main RFP and all associated country or funder addendums carefully Review the “How to Submit your application Step-by-Step Instructions” on the Digging into Data Website Ensure that you submit the additional document required by the Canadian Funder(s), and all other funder(s) before the deadline If you have questions about the Canadian Addendum contact the associated contact person (see final slide) If you have questions about the submission process on the NEH portal contact the NEH:

23 Questions?

24 Contact Us Fonds de recherche du Québec—Société et culture / Fonds de recherche du Québec—Nature et technologies Étienne Carbonneau Program Officer, Fonds de recherche du Québec—Société et culture Tel.: 418-643-7582, ext. 3142 Email: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Mika Oehling Program Officer, Research Grants and Partnerships Division, SSHRC, Tel.: 613-992-4227 Email: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Dave Bowen Team Leader, Mathematical, Environmental and Physical Sciences, NSERC, Tel.: 613-992-1482 Email:

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