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THE ___________ PUBLIC LIBRARY WHERE MINDS GROW. Digital Literacy … the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create.

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2 Digital Literacy … the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. ALA Office of Information Technology Policy Digital Literacy Task Force

3 Citizens of Yourtown visited the library an average of ___ times each month ____ people “virtually” visited the library via our website each month. On average, ____ people used the library’s public Internet computers each month. ____ classes taught ____ people how to effectively find and evaluate information online

4 ___ physical items were checked out last year--which would have cost users $ ____ ____ electronic items were downloaded last year—which would have cost users $____ ____ % of browsers surveyed said they found something at the library

5 Purchase ____ items (books, DVDs, magazines, etc.) Maintain _____public Internet computers Subscribe to ____magazines & newspapers Subscribe to ____online databases/resources Provide access to Interlibrary Loan service Collections

6 Maintain ____ public Internet computers Provide wireless Internet access Offered ____ technology classes in 20__ Technology

7 ____FTE staff to: acquire and make materials available assist residents of ______________ find materials in the library and online coordinate programming for all ages, including technology instruction ensure a welcoming and well-used facility Library Staff

8 City of ________$0.00 County of ________$0.00 State of Iowa$0.00 Grants$0.00 Gifts, Donations, etc.$0.00 Library funding

9 Personnel: $0.00 (Because they make it happen!) Materials:$0.00 Programming:$0.00 Technology :$0.00 Operating Expenses:$0.00 How will we spend the money?

10 24/7 access to online resources Help in building digital literacy skills Connecting with family, friends, and neighbors at library programs 21 st Century library service What does this mean for the citizens of _________________?

11 Understand and support the library’s budget Join the library’s Friends Group Volunteer to serve on the library board Advocate for the _____________ Public Library And use it! How can you help?

12 _________________, Library Director phone: email: __________________, Chair, Library Board of Trustees Phone: e-mail: web address: How can we help you?

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