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Patron Management & Library Security Library of Michigan Beginning Workshop May 19, 2016 Eva Davis, Director Canton

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Presentation on theme: "Patron Management & Library Security Library of Michigan Beginning Workshop May 19, 2016 Eva Davis, Director Canton"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patron Management & Library Security Library of Michigan Beginning Workshop May 19, 2016 Eva Davis, Director Canton Public Library @CantonLibrary @EvaDavisCPL

2 Why You Are Here Today To learn some best practices on dealing with difficult patrons. To become familiar with basic security measures and managing a crisis situation.

3 Part I: Patron Management

4 Don’t… …think that Rules of Behavior aren’t necessary. …ignore the rules you don’t like. …expect only certain employees to enforce the rules. …apply the rules inconsistently. …set ‘em and forget ‘em. …go it alone. …be afraid to speak up and follow through. …forget to document and communicate.

5 Do… …treat your Rules of Behavior as a living document. …get to the bottom of why certain rules are unpopular. …enforce the rules consistently....communicate that security is everyone’s job. …track violations/incidents. …have a second coworker present whenever possible. …follow through on warnings and consequences. …document interactions and communicate with staff.

6 Problems vs. Tensions Is this a problem to be solved, or a tension to be managed? QuietLoud Optimal Noise Level Not allowed Allowed Food in the Library

7 Real-Life Scenario: Smelly Patron!

8 Real-Life Scenario: Smelly Patron Find a second employee to go with you. Bring a copy of your policies with you. Ask to speak with the patron, ideally in a more private location to minimize their embarrassment. Be upfront about the issue: “I’ve received a complaint about your odor.” Review the policy with the patron. Be upfront about next steps: “I’m asking you to leave the library today, and you are welcome to come back when you’ve resolved the odor issue.”

9 Real-Life Scenario: Smelly Patron 2 Expect pushback and excuses: “That other patron has it out for me!” “I admit that I’m a little sweaty, but it’s not that bad.” “You just don’t like me.” “This is discrimination, I could sue you for this!” “I have no other clothes, what am I supposed to do?” “But I’m not done!” “Your policy is terrible!”

10 Tips Safety first – yours and theirs Ask open-ended questions Take a step back – figuratively and literally Acknowledge tone, body language, positioning, eye contact, breath Let them tell their side Make it clear that this is not (necessarily) the end. “Let’s start over tomorrow.”

11 Tips - 2 Assume good intentions Frame it as an honest mistake (“You may not have noticed the sign, but this is a no-phone area.”) Listen for agreement on possible solutions (“I’m glad to hear that you want a pleasant library environment, too.”) Check for understanding Lay out expectations and options (“You’re welcome to stay if follow our rules, otherwise you’ll have to leave for the day.”) Take responsibility (“I’ve asked you twice already, and now I’m asking you to leave. You can start fresh tomorrow.”)

12 Tips - 3 No touching! Orient your body towards the exit and use body language to move them towards it. Make consequences clear (“I’ve asked you to leave because you refuse to follow our rules. If you also refuse to leave, I’ll have a police officer escort you out and you’ll lose your library privileges.”) Don’t take any bait. Acknowledge emotion, but don’t get emotional. Write it up immediately.

13 Pay attention to: Eye contact Voice and tone, breath Body language – Facial expressions – Shoulders/arms – Hands Body positioning – Personal space – Alignment – “against” vs. “with” – Height

14 Questions on Patron Management?

15 Part II: Library Security

16 ALICE Training Alert – inform as many people as possible about the danger Lockdown – If unable to evacuate Inform – Share real-time information Counter – This is not confrontation; rather, create distractions and noises that impair the accuracy of the shooter Evacuate – Listed last in the acronym, but should be the first thing you try to do

17 Real-Life Scenario: Parking Lot Shooting!

18 Real-Life Scenario: Parking Lot Shooting The right and wrong of what we did Maintained calm – not really Locked down the building – kind of Called 911 – poorly Kept everyone safe – whether they wanted it or not Realized that most people are idiots – that’s on them

19 Aftermath On-site counseling Updated Emergency Manual Created checklists for staff Secured access to non-public areas Upgraded security/alarm system Upgraded and installed more surveillance cameras Staff training and drills – Staff Development Day – Local Police department and Emergency Planning department – ALICE Training Institute ALICE Training Institute “Did you do the best you could at the time?”

20 Questions on Library Security? Eva Davis @EvaDavisCPL

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