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Week 11 New Media November 16, 2012 New Media November 16, 2012.

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1 Week 11 New Media November 16, 2012 New Media November 16, 2012

2 Chapter 6 Lecture & Discussion Discuss ways in which you would like to see search engines improved. In this digital media information age most, if not all information is available to anyone at any time on a compact, easy-to-use device. How do you think this affects the level of people’s general knowledge or education? Are people becoming more knowledgable and more active in society? Or are they becoming more apathetic, or are they more or less the same? How does this device affect different people within society, such as rich versus poor, or various ethnic or language groups?

3 Presentations

4 Media Guide Multimedia a combination of different types of media in one package web pages that combine text, video, animation, audio, or graphics

5 Media Guide Wrap-up In groups of 3-4, discuss the different categories we have covered so far: web portals, search engines, P2P, cloud computing, digital print, digital audio, digital visual media, multimedia. Discuss also means give the Chinese comparison (either the examples I have given you or ones you think of). What makes it similar? Different? Consider the larger categories as well: Convergent media, Digital media, New media Which ones do you use? Why or why not? What digital media grammar do they have?

6 News Article Analysis & Report You will, every other week, analyze two articles I give you. You will post this analysis on your “New Media” blog page. A content & style guide are provided for you under “Tips.” In addition, each week, I will choose 2 students (of the 4-5 from the schedule list to give a brief report (posted to the website). You are expected to summarize your blog entry, not read it word for word. At most 1-2 minutes!

7 Intro to AP stylebook organized like a dictionary entry words, in alphabetical order, are in boldface. They represent the accepted word forms unless otherwise indicated. Text explains usage Examples of correct and incorrect usage are in italics. AP doesn’t use italics in news stories.

8 Intro to AP stylebook (cont.) Many entries simply give the correct spelling, hyphenation and/or capitalization Related topics are in boldface Abbreviate/Abbreviation/Short for” indicates the correct abbreviation of a word Other abbreviations include: n.: noun, v.: verb, adj.: adjective, adv.:adverb

9 Intro to AP stylebook exercise Look up the following words: blog hashtag retweet RSS user interface

10 Class Blog Discussion *Discuss the three main types of convergence and which one you think may be the most important or relevant for new media.* If online news websites merged into combined newspaper/radio/television news stations or channels, which group do you think would be better prepared to learn new skills - print journalists learning broadcast skills or broadcast journalists learning print skills? Why do you think so? Describe your vision of how the media world will be for most people five years from now. Discuss how and where people would access news, entertainment, and other media content, and examine what media companies may be important.

11 Personal Blog Discussion In which direction do you think digital media are more likely to go - toward a more open, diversified, and democratic medium or toward a more corporate, commercialized, and centrally controlled medium? Why? Discuss some changes you have seen in the past few years on the Internet in terms of your own use of digital media? What brought about these changes and are they for better or worse?

12 Week 11 Tasks News Article Analysis Post on your “New Media” blog page Articles will be emailed as well as posted to the website Prepare your report if you are “presenting” during week 12. Chapter 6 wrap-up Post to your the class blog

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