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ENDOGENEITY - SIMULTANEITY Development Workshop. What is endogeneity and why we do not like it? [REPETITION] Three causes: – X influences Y, but Y reinforces.

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Presentation on theme: "ENDOGENEITY - SIMULTANEITY Development Workshop. What is endogeneity and why we do not like it? [REPETITION] Three causes: – X influences Y, but Y reinforces."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is endogeneity and why we do not like it? [REPETITION] Three causes: – X influences Y, but Y reinforces X too – Z causes both X and Y fairly contemporaneusly – X causes Y, but we cannot observe X and Z (which we observe) is influenced by X but also by Y Consequences: – No matter how many observations – estimators biased (this is called: inconsistent) – Ergo: whatever point estimates we find, we can’t even tell if they are positive/negative/significant, because we do not know the size of bias + no way to estimate the size of bias

3 The magic of „ceteris paribus” Each regression is actually ceteris paribus Problem: data may be at odds with ceteris paribus Examples?

4 Problems with Inferring Causal Effects from Regressions Regressions tell us about correlations but ‘correlation is not causation’ Example: Regression of whether currently have health problem on whether have been in hospital in past year: HEALTHPROB | Coef. Std. Err. t ------------+--------------------------------- PATIENT |.262982.0095126 27.65 _cons |.153447.003092 49.63 Do hospitals make you sick? – a causal effect

5 The problem in causal inference in case of simultaneity Confounding Influence Treatment Outcome Observed Factor Unobserved Factor

6 Any solutions? Confounding Influence Treatment Outcome Observed Factor Unobserved Factor

7 Instrumental Variables solution… Confounding Influence Treatment Outcome Instrumental Variable(s) Observed Factor Unobserved Factor

8 Fixed Effects Solution… (DiD does pretty much the same) Confounding Influence Treatment Outcome Fixed Influences Observed Factor Unobserved Factor

9 Short motivating story – ALMPs in Poland Basic statement: 50% of unemployed have found employment because of ALMPs Facts: – 50% of whom? – only those, who were treated (only those were monitored) – only 90% of treated completed the programmes – of those, who completed, indeed 50% work, but only 60% of these who work say it was because of the programme So how many actually employed because of the programme?

10 Short motivating story – ALMPs in Poland ??? 90 % 52 30 Product Gross effectiveness Net effectiveness Net efficiency? Completed training …... found employment...... thanks to programme…

11 Basic problems in causal inference Compare somebody „before” and „after” – If they were different already before, the differential will be wrongly attributed to „treatment”  can we measure/capture this inherent difference?  does it stay unchanged „before” and „after”?  what if we only know „after”? If the difference stays the same => DiD estimator => assumption that cannot be tested for If the difference cannot be believed to stay the same?

12 Faked counterfactual or generating a paralel world o MEDICINE: takes control groups – people as sick, who get a different treatment or a placebo => experimenting o What if experiment impossible? 2011-04-21 Seminarium magisterskie - zajęcia 4 12

13 What if experiment impossble? Only cross-sectional data Panel data „Regression Discontinuity Design“ „Propensity Score Matching“ Instrumental variables Before After Estimators Difference in Difference Estimators (DiD) „Propensity Score Matching“ + DiD

14 Propensity Score Matching Confounding Influence Treatment Outcome Treatment Observed Factor Unobserved Factor

15 Propensity score matching GroupY1Y0 Treated (D=1) Observedcounterfactual – (does not exist) Nontreated (D=0) counterfactual – (does not exist)observed Average treatment effect E(Y)=E(Y1-Y0)=E(Y1)-Y0 Average treatment effect for the untreated E(Y1-Y0|D=0)=E(Y1|D=0)-E(Y0|D=0) Average treatment effect for the treated (ATT) E(Y1-Y0|D=1)=E(Y1|D=1)-E(Y0|D=1)

16 Propensity Score Matching Idea – Compares outcomes of similar units where the only difference is treatment; discards the rest Example – Low ability students will have lower future achievement, and are also likely to be retained in class – Naïve comparison of untreated/treated students creates bias, where the untreated do better in the post period – Matching methods make the proper comparison Problems – If similar units do not exist, cannot use this estimator

17 How to get PSM estimator? – First stage: run „treatment” on observable characteristics – Second stage: estimate the probability of „treatment” – Third stage: compare results of those „treated” and similar non-treated („statistical twinns”) – The less similar they are, the less likely they should be compared one with another

18 The obtained propensity score is irrelevant (as long as consistent) NEAREST NEIGHBOR (NN) Pros => tzw. 1:1 Cons => if 1:1 does not exist, completely senseless

19 The obtained propensity score is irrelevant (as long as consistent) CALIPER/RADIUS MATCHING(NN) Pros => more elastic than NN Cons => who specifies the radius/caliper?

20 The obtained propensity score is irrelevant (as long as consistent) Stratification and Interval Pros => eliminates discretion in radius/caliper choice Cons => within strata/interval, units don’t have to be „similar” (some people say 10 strata is ql)

21 The obtained propensity score is irrelevant (as long as consistent) KERNEL MATCHING (KM) Pros => uses always all observations Cons => need to remember about common support TreatmentControl * ** * * *

22 What is „common support”? Distributions of pscore may differ substantially across units Only sensible solutions!

23 Real world examples

24 Next week – practical excercise Read the papers posted on the web I will post one that we will replicate soon…

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