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802.16: WiMAX A World Without Wires Presented by Eric Goldman 1 – First Published May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "802.16: WiMAX A World Without Wires Presented by Eric Goldman 1 – First Published May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 802.16: WiMAX A World Without Wires Presented by Eric Goldman 1 – First Published May 2007

2 2 Agenda I. Introduction: What is WiMAX? II. Functionality, Security & Implementation III. Comparison: WiMAX vs 802.11 “Wi-Fi” IV. Convergence: HIPERMAN & WiBro V. Competing Technologies: EVDO, HSDPA VI. Future: WiMAX predictions, implications VII. Conclusion: Summary and Questions VIII. References

3 3 Introduction: What is WiMAX? WiMAX is the street term for IEEE 802.16 Developed for Wireless MANs Higher Speed wireless links Allows nodes to have a wide range of mobility Designed for deployment by ISPs and corporations, not home users * Similar in concept to cellular networks, but for more generic forms of data

4 4 How does WiMAX work? WiMAX system typically consists of: WiMAX Tower: High powered base station, with large range and connection to Internet (ISP) WiMAX Receiver: One or more end-user roaming nodes or another WiMAX tower Two Modes of Communication: NLOS: Similar to Wi-Fi, built in or external radio device which connects a host to WiMAX Tower LOS: Higher speed backhaul connection used between WiMAX towers to extend network

5 5 Example: WiMAX Network image from:

6 6 Security: Advantages & Concerns X.509 certificate for customer Authentication Currently Optional Security: AES Cipher & Extensible Authentication Protocol Susceptible to same reliability issues as all wireless networks: jamming, physical take- down, promiscuous capture Unencrypted management data  network mapping and man-in-the-middle attacks Old management frames  DoS replay attack Implemented by ISP  proprietary additions

7 7 Implementation: Capacity & Performance 4-6 Mile Coverage Radius for NLOS 30 Mile connection for LOS links 70 Megabit data rate; comparable to cable and DSL when divided among 100+ homes Hypothetically as reliable as cell networks Redundant backhaul links provide stability LOS links operate in unlicensed spectrum: interference from other technologies

8 8 Implementation: Industry Support Sprint: Testing WiMAX as the new, 4G replacement for current cellular networks Intel: Add WiMAX to architecture development, internal laptop development Motorola & Nokia: 3G/WiMAX compatible cell phone development, other devices Industry is cautious, yet supportive * Government also has a stake: High speed, attack-tolerant networking

9 9 Comparison: WiMAX and Wi-Fi WiMAX (802.16)Wi-Fi (802.11g) Range4-5 Miles (30 Miles)100 Feet Speed70 Mbps54/108 Mbps Frequency2-11 GHz (10-66 Ghz)2-11 Ghz WiringTower to TowerRequired at Base To the end user, similar experience as Wi-Fi, but with much greater mobility and expectation of connectivity throughout a given area.

10 10 Convergence: HIPERMAN & WiBro HIPERMAN: European Standard Envisioned for end user deployment No higher spectrum component WiBro: Korean Standard Strong QoS emphasis More strict requirements All of these technologies are being converged for planned interoperability

11 11 Competing Technologies: EVDO & HSDPA EVDO: Evolution-Data Optimized Offered by Sprint & Verizon (CDMA) Already supported, lower implementation costs HSDPA: High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Offered by AT&T (GSM) Increasing data-rate, already surpassing WiMAX Current 3G Cellular network technologies offer high-speed data transfer over current infrastructure, increasing customer base

12 12 Future: Predictions WiMAX implementation may be too late; other technologies exist, and may be outdated when widely available Data over Cellular networks More Comprehensive technologies; 802.20 Consumers seem anxious for technology Residential customers would prefer it over or in combination with Cable or DSL Strong industry support from multiple partners

13 13 Future: Implications Reduce TCO Simpler deployment and management No wiring costs, can reach remote or rural areas 24/7 Connectivity: With a laptop and WiMAX connection, user can have great mobility and access to data

14 14 Conclusion: Summary WiMAX offers higher speeds, greater mobility, and large coverage area Replace or supplement cellular networks Open standard, many industry partners Converging Standards globally Competing technologies already deployed Potential to be truly disruptive technology

15 15 Conclusion: Questions The floor is now opened to questions

16 16 References Airvana. WiMAX to CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Comparison. 2005. Airvana. 27 Apr. 2007. Ekuland, Carl, et al. “IEEE Standard 802.16: A Technical Overview of the WirelessMAN Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access.” IEEE Communications Magazine June 2002: 98-107. Rpt. in IEEE Communications Society Archives. IEEE Communication Society. 4 June 2002. IEEE. 27 Apr. 2007. Grabianowski, Edward, and Marshall Brian. “How WiMAX Works.” HowStuffWorks 2 Dec. 2004. 27 Apr. 2007. “High-Speed Downlink Packet Access.” Wikipedia. 27 Apr. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 27 Apr. 2007. Hoymann, Christian, Markus Puttner, and Ingo Forkel. The HIPERMAN Standard – a Performance Analysis. 27 Apr. 2007. Sprint Nextel Announces 4G Wireless Broadband Initiative with Intel, Motorola and Samsung. 8 Aug. 2006. 27 Apr. 2007. Viscusi, Stefania. “Study Finds End-Users Prefer WiMAX.” TMCnet 16 Apr. 2007. 27 Apr. 2007. “WiMAX.” Wikipedia. 26 Apr. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 27 Apr. 2007. Wright, Oshua. “WiMAX security issues.” Network World 11 Dec. 2006. 27 Apr. 2007.

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