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BTEC CONSTRUCTION 2014 BTEC Course Mrs C. Bollans Head of Technology Mr C Wright Assistant Head of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "BTEC CONSTRUCTION 2014 BTEC Course Mrs C. Bollans Head of Technology Mr C Wright Assistant Head of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 BTEC CONSTRUCTION 2014 BTEC Course Mrs C. Bollans Head of Technology Mr C Wright Assistant Head of Technology

2 Key Features of the Course Level 2 BTEC First Award Prepare for entry to employment Providing education and training in craft, technical and operative areas Directly relevant to the changing needs of construction employers Develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for a successful performance in working life The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

3 Unit 1: Construction technology  The structural performance required for low-rise construction  Explore how sub-structures and superstructures are constructed Unit 2: Construction Design  The work of the construction industry  Understand a client’s needs to develop a design brief for a low-rise building  Produce a range of initial sketch ideas to meet the requirements of a client brief Unit 3: Scientific and Mathematical Applications for Construction  The effects of forces and temperature changes on materials used in construction  Mathematical techniques to solve construction problems Unit 7: Exploring Brickwork and Block work Principles and Techniques  Tools, materials and equipment used for brickwork and block work  Develop practical skills and safe techniques to construct brickwork and block work. The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION Award Award is equivalent to 1 GCSEs A*- C Also possible to drop down to Level 1 (GCSE D-G) is not able to complete work to a sufficient standard.

4 Year 9 Early Start Two weeks after Easter students will be studying their preferred or chosen technology specialism. Carpentry and Joinery is a unit from the double award but could count towards their final grade, if completed to a sufficient standard. The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

5 Assessment All units are internally assessed using a grading scale of pass, merit and distinction. Unit 1 is assessed by exam Assessment is theory and practical. Witness statements can be used as evidence as opposed to written work in some cases The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

6 Educational Visits In Year 10 Summer term, students go to the BRE Centre, Watford. The Centre focuses on new technologies, testing and sustainability in construction. The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

7 Where next? BTEC First Diploma BTEC National qualification in Construction BTEC National qualification in Civil Engineering BTEC National qualification in Building services Engineering NVQ and/or apprenticeships Direct entry to Industry Many of the Year 11s have  Weekend jobs as labourers  Arranged work experience with construction companies  Are going to Prospects/ Thurrock college next year to continue skills in brick laying/ decorating The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

8 Why select Construction?  Practical skills  Work related learning  Mostly assignment based  Want to do something different  Want to learn more about the Industry Any questions? The FitzWimarc School BTEC CONSTRUCTION

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