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J OHN H ICKENLOOPER Governor of Colorado. P ERSONAL H ISTORY / E ARLY L IFE Birth: Born State: Marriage:

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Presentation on theme: "J OHN H ICKENLOOPER Governor of Colorado. P ERSONAL H ISTORY / E ARLY L IFE Birth: Born State: Marriage:"— Presentation transcript:

1 J OHN H ICKENLOOPER Governor of Colorado

2 P ERSONAL H ISTORY / E ARLY L IFE Birth: Born State: Marriage:

3 P OLITICAL L IFE Mayor of Colorado Built his own restaurant Ran for governor Elected governor Sworn in for governor Helping his state He is a Democrat

4 C ONTRIBUTION TO A MERICAN WAY OF LIFE #1  The Bottom-Up Program  Create jobs around the state  Trying to get an Ambitious plane o Seeing how Colorado is now and future  Also know as State wide Economic Development

5 C ONTRIBUTION TO A MERICAN WAY OF LIFE #2  Space related jobs  The Industry Program  Renewable energy More tour people

6 L ASTING I MPORTANCE He never stops what he needs to do he gets it done. If it doesn’t work he keeps trying. He is loyal to his state he cares about the state a lot.

7 W ORKS C ITED  "Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper." Web. 29 Mar. 2012..  "About The Governor." Web. 29 Mar. 2012..  "Bottom-Up." Web. 3 Apr. 2012..  "Industry Programs." Web. 3 Apr. 2012..  Janssen, Sarah, ed. The World Almanac. New York: InfoBase Learning, 2012. Print.

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