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Pathways 12 Conference Transitioning to employment for students with disabilities and the role for DLU. Mark Glascodine.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathways 12 Conference Transitioning to employment for students with disabilities and the role for DLU. Mark Glascodine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathways 12 Conference Transitioning to employment for students with disabilities and the role for DLU. Mark Glascodine

2 Contents Facts Research Learnings – Students/Graduates What’s UK uni’s doing? What are Aus uni’s doing? Current realities Discussion around what DLU’s might do?

3 Facts Australia ranks low (21st out of 29) in comparison with other OECD countries in the employment of people with disabilities. ‘The employment outcomes of graduates with disabilities are much lower than able bodied graduates’: 16.9 (30.7) per cent of graduates with disabilities were still seeking work 6 months after graduation, compared with 8.5 (23) per cent of students without disability. 2009 (2012) Graduates with disabilities are less likely to be in full-time work five years after graduating (57 per cent in work compared with 76 per cent of those without disabilities). In Aus, 3-5% students with disabilities (SWD), in UK/USA approx 10% SWDs

4 Increasing recognition of importance of Career Management skills “Less than half of earnings variation in OECD countries can be accounted for by educational qualifications and readily measurable skills. It is argued that a significant part of the remainder may be explained by people’s ability to build, and to manage, their skills.” (OECD, Bridging the Gap, 2005). Now – employment outcomes are becoming an important selling point for the university competition Onus still on individual to find career Universities have always helped get careers BUT NOW becoming a critical outcome for uni status, particularly when uni’s will be publicly compared measures on government uni site.

5 Extra issues for students with disabilities OECD report on Sickness, Disability & Work, 2010 argues that those with disabilities are less likely be aware of or have access to education and information relating to career management. This may in part be due to people with disabilities: – Internalising the perception that their opportunities are limited and that a career is unattainable; Confidence. “Why would they be interested in me when they can have their pick of graduates?” Undergraduate, Oxford University. Fear that negatively judged on their disability.

6 Australian Research What are UK universities doing for SWD – Glascodine 2012 Churchill Fellowship report Ready for Work – Graduates with Disabilities Farthing and Glascodine 2013 Trying To Get Through One Door: Preparing Students with Disabilities for the Transition to Employment. H.Martin Latrobe 2014

7 Overall feedback from students Lack of self-awareness – Disclosure and Self advocacy skills Lack of knowledge on world of work – Need more mentoring or work placement experience Lack of confidence re flexibility and support at work – Useful to know which employers are more disability friendly – What assistive technology is needed?

8 Closer relationships with employers: Sponsorship of awareness weeks / induction / events / etc More mentoring/Work placement opportunities –Disability / Careers Services building closer relationships: Link with a named person. C/Service to present at induction / final year induction. C/Service to offer drop in sessions at Disability Office. C/Service to use Disability Service to market relevant employment events. Better data sharing. Advising students: Of disability confident employers. Benefits of early disclosure. Support on offer / available. What’s happening in the UK.

9 What are Aus uni’s doing - from a careers angle Careers/DLU working together more For work experience – More mentoring support (WAM and AND) – More jobs on campus – More internships e.g. AND Careers – Provided a focal point for Int’l students – Ensuring disability expertise in group, more disability training for careers people – Using specialists when appropriate.

10 Current realities Aims/Workload – Careers – creating employability skills for after tertiary – DLU – getting students into and through tertiary SWDs tend to focus on passing academic requirements first – understandable but work experience very important for jobs SWDs not taking advantage of uni services – careers or DLU e.g mentoring Although research says SWD who do register with DLU,do listen to staff

11 Discuss possible ways DLUs can help students at unis improve chances of getting work

12 Possible ways DLUs can help students at unis improve chances of getting work Get students to think about work after study, and what they can do while at uni e.g.mentoring, internships Get students to go to careers DLU officers learn more about employability skills – Careers do workshops/training Develop joint initiatives with Careers – Develop relationships with specialist external orgs to assist SWD e.g. Specialised job readiness program – by disability type. – Develop relationship with DES e.g. in Perth, use Edge OR work with a disability friendly recruitment service in Vic, Dixon Appointments – Develop joint initiatives re inductions etc

13 Resources COSD website – career opportunities for students with disabilities……….. COMING Contact: Julie Farthing Tel:0412 555305 Mark Glascodine Tel: 0419 578098

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