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Exploration & Discovery Bell Ringer Q. 1: What might have motivated the explorers who helped European leaders locate new lands? Q. 2: What obstacles did.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration & Discovery Bell Ringer Q. 1: What might have motivated the explorers who helped European leaders locate new lands? Q. 2: What obstacles did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration & Discovery Bell Ringer Q. 1: What might have motivated the explorers who helped European leaders locate new lands? Q. 2: What obstacles did explorers face as they embarked on their journeys? How did they accomplish their missions?

2 The Roots of Judaism - The Jewish religion all starts with ______________ - God appears to him and tells him to depart for Canaan, which is modern day _____________ - God makes a covenant, or promise to Abraham - God tells him that he needs to fulfill certain obligations and duties on Earth - Also that Israel is their ________ land - Following Abraham’s death, many the Israelites were forced out of Israel due to famine. They return to __________ and are enslaved for their beliefs

3 Moses - The Israelites pray to God for a savior, he provides one in ____________ - Raised as an Egyptian Prince. Growing up he fights back against the Egyptians due to their harsh laws and practices - He is eventually __________ from Egypt - While exiled he hears God speak to him through a burning bush - God tells him to renew the covenant he made with Abraham - He needs to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and to freedom in Israel

4 - The Pharaoh did not let his slaves go so easily - God unleashes ______________ on the Egyptians in order to free the Israelites - Moses guides them as they escape and with the Egyptian army chasing them it is believed he parted the _______ Sea Moses

5 - The ___________ is the Jewish holy book - Believed it was given to Moses on Mount Sinai along with the ____ ___________________ - The Torah is the way in which God wants Jews to live - 13 Principles of Faith & the 10 Commandments make up the belief structure of Judaism - Judaism teaches a strong code of ethics and morals Jewish Beliefs - Call on the rich and powerful to protect the ________ and weak

6 Judaism Today - It is the world’s 12th largest religion - ______ million Jews in the world - Diaspora: the _________ of Jewish people all over the world

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