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Getting Started With Cornell Style Note Taking Created by Walter Cornell Univ in the 50’s Adapted to 2013 with help from Yoda!

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started With Cornell Style Note Taking Created by Walter Cornell Univ in the 50’s Adapted to 2013 with help from Yoda!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started With Cornell Style Note Taking Created by Walter Pauk @ Cornell Univ in the 50’s Adapted to 2013 with help from Yoda!

2 What is/are Cornell Notes? A Simple, Effective Note Taking System  Step 1: Take Notes Step 2: Develop Cues/Questions and a summary Step 3: Study and Recite the notes 3 part Cornell note sheet The Force is strong when Jedi use the Cornell Note Taking System. 3 Major Steps

3 Why Learn and Use Cornell Note Taking?  Eliminate stress and frustration  Master information  Maximize Learning  Make the Learning permanent  Use Cornell Notes: Remember 90+% indefinitely  Use Some Structured Notes: Remember 60% +/-  No structured notes: Forget 60% within 14 days  Get knowledge & understanding ……and grades which come along with both!

4 Step 1: Take Notes DO:  Label and date the page  Listen, Analyze, and Ask Questions  Actively Engage the lecture/material  Concentrate - You aren’t watching a movie.  Get the main ideas down Tips on writing the notes:  take notes in bullets and indents; not formal outlines  Look for bold, underlined, or italicized words if you are taking notes on readings  Look headers/sub-headers on the page  Note quotes, examples, or details you might be able to use later in a paper or presentation  abbreviate familiar words/use symbols (+, -->, #)  use telegraphic sentences: “America enters war 12/44”  Use graphics and pictures. Cut, Drag and Drop

5 Step 2: After Class. Finish the Notes 1.Clean up the notes so you understand them clearly 2.Write Cues (HINTS) to help you 3.Write Questions answered by the notes 4. Write a summary 5. Make notes in your own words Finish your Notes ASAP after reading or lecture. Jedi do not wait more than 24 hours.

6 Step 3: Study/Recite/Study 1.Review the notes daily during time slot dedicated to that class/subject 2.Cover the notes portion up with a sheet of paper and attempt to answer the questions/ques/hints you created 3.Recite out loud or to yourself. Do it! 4.Memorize the summary. Do it! Cover notes during review. Do this until you know the material! Dedicate yourself Jedi. Master the material. Work Smart, Hard and Long. Jedi Up!

7 Work the System Every Day!  Record: in main column (Right)  Refine: Make Cues, Hints and Questions. (Left Column)  Recite: Cover main column. Recite the info in your own words out loud or to yourself.  Reflect/Summarize. Write a summary of all important points. (bottom column)  Study: Practice makes permanent. Slow down, do it right and perfection comes later. Powerful you have become. Cornell Notes I sense in you!

8 Always Be Taking Notes !  Take Notes:  When You listen to a lecture  When You read something  When You watch a video/youtube/ movie  When You work in a group  Use a Consistent File Name Method  Example. Algebra 2Nov13 _______  Print Notes. Store in Master Binder. Many Notes you will create young Jedi!

9 Resources    ornellnotes.html  ornellnotes1.html

10 The Basic Cornell Note

11 More Notes Nuggets Make notes YOU understand. Your words! Categorize – put into different categories Compare - how it is the same or different Connect – link things you don’t know with things you do know Contrast - how it is different Describe - explain, tell – use who, what, where, when, why and/or how Diagram – draw a picture that explains how something works Explain - tell how and why about a subject, tell how it works, describe Rank – put in a hierarchy Summarize - re-tell briefly, tell in your own words, and tell like an ESPN clip Trace - follow event from beginning to end

12 Notes Matrix Good NoteNot So Good

13 While reading Judaism is a monothesitc religion practiced by the Jews. The religion was founded by Abraham. Jews follow behavioral and ethical rules, including the 10 Commandments, recorded in the Torah, as delivered to Moses from God. Describe Judaism’s founding. Define: 10 Commandments Summarize the major beliefs of Judaism Judaism Founding 4,000 yrs ago in Fertile Crescent Founded by Abraham Jerusalem, Israel 10 Commandments – rules for behavior Moses got them from God If Jews follow  messiah will reappear

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