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Building on Motivations and Addressing Concerns. Objectives  Understand ways to build on prospective students’ motivations and align those motivators.

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Presentation on theme: "Building on Motivations and Addressing Concerns. Objectives  Understand ways to build on prospective students’ motivations and align those motivators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building on Motivations and Addressing Concerns

2 Objectives  Understand ways to build on prospective students’ motivations and align those motivators to our goals  Understand ways to listen to, validate, and address prospective students’ concerns

3 Why Does This Matter? Many students you encounter are going to have preconceived perceptions about teaching, and possibly about our college. It is important that we know how to ask the right questions and how to steer our conversations while building on their motivations and addressing their concerns. We don’t want to give up without having as much knowledge as possible.

4 Assessing and Building on Motivations - The Institute of Learning

5 What motivated you? Think about your story… What motivated you to pursue teaching as a profession? Did you always want to be a teacher/educator? What things do you look forward to as a future teacher?

6 Other professions Most of the prospects we meet with will be considering other professions over teaching. We can use their considerations as motivations by focusing on the transferable skills they will obtain from being teacher candidates at MLFTC or future teachers Think about: did you consider other professions aside from teaching? What professions are some of your friends planning on pursuing? What do these professions have in common?

7 Careers in Medicine Your future as a health professional will be enriched through pursuing an education degree. You can make a significant impact on students’ understanding of and interest in science and mathematics at a time when schools have a difficult time finding teachers with this content expertise. By teaching and improving your students’ academic performance, you will expand and diversify the pipeline of future scientists, mathematicians, and doctors. Furthermore, former students who have gone through our student teaching model say that their experience in the classroom led to tremendous personal growth and gave them a more concrete, in-depth perspective on the medical needs of diverse populations. Our alumni also share that teaching hones valuable interpersonal skills that increase their effectiveness in clinical settings and frames their medical careers in the context of service. Many people have studied education and have gone on to the medical profession afterwards.

8 Building on Motivations How can we build on this Biology/Pre-health student’s motivations and align her goals to teaching? A student might say: “I really want to make an impact on society. I love science. I guess I always thought that meant med school since I would love to be a doctor someday.”

9 Careers in Law Pursuing an education degree will make your law career more meaningful and focused. While teaching, you will gain real-world insight into many of the social issues that our country’s laws and public policies must address. Legal professionals with teaching backgrounds recognize the value of knowing firsthand how abstract legal concepts and policies impact children and families in our communities. Additionally, the rigor of the teaching experience inspires deep personal strength that will fuel your drive for excellence in your legal career. Finally, legal professionals with teaching experience say that managing a classroom of students and leading them toward ambitious goals provided them with confidence and a level of credibility that enabled them to make a huge impact in their legal career.

10 Building on Motivations How can we build on this Political Science/Pre-Law student’s motivations and align his goals to teaching? A student might say: “I really want to make a an impact on society. I love learning about how laws and policies affect people. I think that I can have a huge impact on people if I become a lawyer.

11 Other Careers and Transferable Skills Careers in… Biological Sciences Business Education Engineering Law Medicine Physical Sciences and Mathematics Political Science/Policy Leadership Technology

12 Assessing and Building on Motivations Sometimes prospects’ motivations are not that clear or straightforward. Often times, we have to probe a bit more to find out what their motivations or concerns are.

13 Motivation Detective “I really enjoy serving in the area where I am from. I can see the achievement gap so clearly here and have grown really close to the students and community members I have worked with. I really enjoy the relationships I have built.”

14 What Would We Say Next? Are you more concerned about being closely connected with a community and building relationships or about being close to home?

15 What Would We Say Next? Well, it sounds like you are the type of community focused leader that looks for ways to help out. This is really great, because as an educator there is such a high need and many opportunities to become connected and feed into the local community.

16 Other Motivations What other interests can you think of that might serve as prospects’ motivations that we can assess and build on?

17 Independent Practice - The Institute of Learning

18 Careers in Law Take 15 minutes to complete the “Motivations” side of the handout

19 Addressing Concerns - The Institute of Learning

20 What Concerned You? Did you every have concerns about making this decision? What concerns did you have about teaching? Did other people have concerns about your decision? What were those concerns? Does anything still concern you?

21 Addressing Concerns Sometimes prospects may be more likely to respond to you with concerns rather than their motivations. A student might say: “I had amazing teachers and if I knew I could do something other than teach until I retire, I would think about majoring in education. I just know that I want to move up in my career and teachers don’t seem to have that mobility.”

22 Possible Responses  Opportunities for leadership positions within a school or district  Opportunities to obtain advanced degrees  Teaching as a gateway to other careers  Opportunities to consult throughout the year  Opportunities for hours beyond contract

23 Addressing Concerns Sometimes prospects may be more likely to respond to you with concerns rather than their motivations. A student might say: “I love working with children, but I just can’t see myself teaching. Teachers don’t make enough money to support a family.”

24 Possible Responses  Teach right after undergrad, obtain advanced degrees while working and promotions faster. Principal/School Director: $68,000 – $84,000 Assistant Principal: $57,000 – $79,000 Instructional Coach: $36,000 – $53,000 Reading/Literacy Specialist: $43,000 – $65,000 Director of Special Education: $70,000 – $91,000 Athletic Director: $50,000 – $80,000  Loan forgiveness $156,456 is the average amount of debt for a medical school graduate across the entire country $100,000 is the average amount of debt for a law school graduate across the entire country $17,000 is the average amount of debt a graduate of ASU graduates with.  Most professions work 50 weeks a year, teachers work about 37. Civil Engineer: $52,048 ($52,048 / 52 = $1,000 per week) Nurse: $39,000 ($39,000 / 52 = $750 per week) Teacher: $30,000 ($30,000/37=$810 per week)

25 Independent Practice - The Institute of Learning

26 Addressing Concerns Take 15 minutes to complete the “Concerns” side of the handout.

27 Closing: Review Objectives  Understand ways to build on prospective students’ motivations and align those motivators to our goals.  Understand ways to listen to, validate, and address prospective students’ concerns  Think about this training and how it will play into your daily work… What are the peaks and pits?

28 Thank you. Drew Shaw Copyright © 2014 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

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