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Lincoln and His Generals Failures in the East, Successes in the West (1862)

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln and His Generals Failures in the East, Successes in the West (1862)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln and His Generals Failures in the East, Successes in the West (1862)

2 Activity in the West Battle of Belmont, 11/7/61 Forts Henry (2/6/62) and Donelson (2/12-16/62 “Unconditional Surrender” Grant Problems between Grant and Halleck Shiloh “We’ll Grant, we’ve had the Devil’s own day, today.” “Yeah, lick ‘em tomorrow though.” Farragut at New Orleans (April 29,1862)




6 Shiloh, April 6, 1862 Dawn

7 Shiloh, April 6, 1862 Dusk

8 Shiloh, April 7, 1862: Object lesson 1, Grant is not McClellan. See Brock Road, 1864 for Lesson 2.

9 David Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870)

10 Trans-Mississippi and Far West Pea Ridge, 3/6-7/62 Glorieta Pass, 3/26-28/1862 In far west, Native Americans become target—Kit Carson in Canyon de Chelley; George Wright in Northern California; John Milton Chivington at Sand Creek.



13 Inactivity in the East Lincoln, Seward, McCellan General War Order No. 1 (1/27/62- 2/22/62) Urbanna Campaign Peninsular Campaign



16 Battle of Seven Pine (Fair Oaks) 5/31/62 Mc. at Gates of Richmond Stonewall in the Valley Johnston to the rear; Lee to the Front The 7 Days Battles “Change of Base” Controversies


18 Malvern Hill Casualties—Union, 3,214; CSA, 5,355 “It wasn’t war, it was murder.” McClellan wouldn’t attack but would return to Washington. He asked L. for more troops; L. knew Mc. would then say, he needed even more. Lee moved north.

19 2d Bull Run (8/28-30, 1862) John Pope and Army of Virginia Fitz John Porter Court Martial Lee to Maryland Culture of the Army of the Potomac John Pope, 1822-1892


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