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Welcome to the 5 th Grade Campfire Chat. What do I need to know? Camp will be Nov. 9- 11. (tentative) The cost is $190. Cost covers camp registration/

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 5 th Grade Campfire Chat. What do I need to know? Camp will be Nov. 9- 11. (tentative) The cost is $190. Cost covers camp registration/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 5 th Grade Campfire Chat

2 What do I need to know? Camp will be Nov. 9- 11. (tentative) The cost is $190. Cost covers camp registration/ activities, 7 meals, lodging, and transportation. Child to adult ratio will be no greater than 6:1, unless there is a shortage of chaperones. During classes, there will be up to 25 students per class, 2- 4 chaperones, one camp leader. The Reed Teachers will be going from class to class. Fifth grade Science TEKS will be covered in all classes.

3 Sky Ranch Camp Layout – ap/New_Facilities_and_Map.pdf ap/New_Facilities_and_Map.pdf Directions to camp – content/themes/skyranch/pdf/SkyRanch-Van- Directions.pdf content/themes/skyranch/pdf/SkyRanch-Van- Directions.pdf

4 What will we learn? education/classes/ education/classes/ education/activities/ education/activities/

5 A Typical Day Breakfast at 8:00 Class 9:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:30 Class 12:30-3:00 Recreation Time 3:00-5:00 Dinner 5:00-6:00 Evening Class 6:00-8:00 Lights out by 10:00

6 Who gets to chaperone? Any parents or grandparents who are interested in chaperoning need to return the chaperone form by April 8, 2016. We will need about 8-10 moms and 8-10 dads (possibly more). Background checks must be cleared by the first week of school (between July 1- August 12) or a chaperone will be replaced. We have two to four chaperones per cabin unless we are short on numbers. If we have more chaperones than needed, chaperones are chosen by a random draw. If we have more chaperones than needed, we will ask the next two drawn to be on stand-by.

7 How can I pay? We will accept exact cash, check (with Driver’s license #), or on-line payments.

8 Payment Options There are four payment options: –One payment of $190 –Two payments of $95 –Four payments of $47.50 –On-line ONLY- Five payments of $38. (The payments will go live on March 18,1016.)

9 Fundraising Individual Popcorn Sales (March 2-April 8, 2016)  Gift bags contain 6 bags of popcorn  Bags cannot be sold separately.  Flavors cannot be changed.  Cost is $15  Student’s sales go towards his/her camp cost.  School receives 50% of profit. Profit will be applied to participating student’s camp cost.

10 Popcorn Fundraising Breakdown Toby sells 15 gift bags of popcorn and collects $225. Half of the money ($112.50) will be applied to Toby’s camp account. ( The remaining amount pays for the popcorn.) Toby’s new camp balance= $190- $112.50= $77.50 (excluding spending money)

11 Fundraising Breakdown Sally sells 25 gift bags of popcorn. Sally brings in $375. Half of the money ($187.50) will be applied to Sally’s camp account. (The remaining amount pays for the popcorn.) Sally’s new camp balance= $190-$187.50= $2.50 (excluding spending money)

12 On-line Payments On-line payments can be made starting Friday, March 18, 2016. Please remember that fundraising will help reduce costs. –Please hold full payments until accounts are updated with fundraising information. There will be a processing fee added to on-line payments.

13 For more information Check out the camp website – –Contact a fifth grade teacher –Visit the Fifth Grade website for additional forms and information.

14 Questions

15 Thank you for attending! Please have a wonderful evening and a wonderful Spring Break.

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