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Supporting the Dreamer SAFA Network Meeting Ft. Lauderdale, FL March 10 – 11, 2012 Krescene Beck, Blue Tower Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting the Dreamer SAFA Network Meeting Ft. Lauderdale, FL March 10 – 11, 2012 Krescene Beck, Blue Tower Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting the Dreamer SAFA Network Meeting Ft. Lauderdale, FL March 10 – 11, 2012 Krescene Beck, Blue Tower Training

2 “When you get shot down, you retreat from life… never give up on your dreams without a fight”. - Carl Nave, Self-Advocate

3 A dream by any other name… is still a dream!

4 Dreams begin early…

5 The Power of a Minute ©

6 “Every person I work with knows something better than me. My job is to listen long enough to find it and use it.” - Jack Nichols

7 Living a quality, meaningful life is about dreams in the areas of Living Learning Playing Health Transportation Friends and Family Work and Money Volunteering/Helping Others

8 Living

9 Learning

10 Playing

11 Health

12 Transportation

13 Friends and Family

14 Work and Money

15 Volunteering/Helping Others

16 “I had a dream… I wanted to get a new bed, new carpeting in my living room, and new paint on the walls…and it happened!”

17 “My dream was… starting a dog walking business, and now I’m in business!”

18 “I told my dream… I want a key to the front door of my own home…and I got it!”

19 “My parents heard my dream… I want to get a camera and take pictures, and now I can because I got a camera.”

20 “I told my team that my dream was… to reconnect with an old friend. Now we write letters to each other.”

21 "I told my parents and my Dream Team about wanting to get married… and I did!”

22 “Our staff helped us with our dream…” we wanted a dog ~ not a girly dog ~ a real dog…and we got one. Meet Bruiser!”

23 Listen with our How do we do it?

24 “When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.” - Dom Helder Camara

25 Boundaries Activity Make two lines facing each other Stand about 10 feet apart One person slowly moves to the person across from him/her The person standing still says ‘stop’ when he/she wants the person to stop moving toward him/her Trade places and do the activity again

26 Relationship Boundaries Stranger Acquaintance Friend Family Members Intimate Partners Paid Staff Adapted from Source: ICASA, Adapted from PERSONAL SPACE: A Violence Prevention Program Women developed by The Arc of Maryland, in partnership with The Arc of Southern Maryland and The Arc of the United States.

27 Boundary Chart Your Child People closest to your child People your child really likes Acquaintances

28 Rules of Relationships Respect Personal space Consent Texting Internet Privacy

29 Hitting The Brick Wall

30 DREAMS ~ Amy Walker, Illinois Voices Systems Change Activist D is for DETERMINATION – Stick with the person you support, and with their dreams. R is for RELATIONSHIPS – Build relationships based on trust E is for ENERGY – It takes a lot of time and energy to make dreams come true A is for ATTITUDE – Always try to have a positive attitude and don’t put people’s dreams down M is for MILESTONES – Celebrate the “little goals” you meet on the way to the BIG one S is for SOURCES – check out money, transportation, and other help you’ll need

31 Supporting the Dreamer…

32 “It’s about what’s important to them, not what’s important for them.” - Nancy Thaler

33 “If you knew you would not fail, what dream would you help make come true today?”

34 Blue Tower Training Center (BTTC) is a division of Macon Resources, Inc. (MRI) which provides training, consultation, training materials and resources on a national as well as international basis. Discover The Power of P.E.E.R. Passion. Equality. Empowerment. Respect. Learn more about BTTC by logging on to

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