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Personality Disorders Cluster C Lindsay Brown. Avoidant PD Essential Features Consistent pattern of social inhibition Feeling inadequate Sensitive to.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality Disorders Cluster C Lindsay Brown. Avoidant PD Essential Features Consistent pattern of social inhibition Feeling inadequate Sensitive to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality Disorders Cluster C Lindsay Brown

2 Avoidant PD Essential Features Consistent pattern of social inhibition Feeling inadequate Sensitive to ____________________

3 Avoidant Criteria At least 4: Avoids activities b/c of fear of ________ Avoids making friends b/c afraid of being disliked Does not talk easily about personal feelings Feels rejected

4 Stays away from new situations b/c feels inadequate Believes _______________ to others Does not take personal risks for fear of embarrassment

5 Prevalence & Course.05%-1.0% Begins in infancy or childhood _____________ in males & females

6 Dependent PD Essential Features Excessive need to be taken care of ____________ and submissive behavior Perceive themselves as unable to fx w/o a caregiver

7 Dependent Criteria 5 or more: Extreme difficulty _______________ Desire others to be responsible Difficulty disagreeing w/others Difficulty doing projects independently

8 Excessive measures to obtain support Feel helpless when ___________ Urgently seek new relationship when one ends Preoccupied w/fears of being alone

9 Other Features Varies across age and cultures One of the most _____________ reported PD in mental health clinics

10 Obsessive Compulsive PD Essential Feature Preoccupation with _______________, orderliness and mental and interpersonal control

11 Obsessive Compulsive Criteria 4 or more: Work to maintain a sense of control through rules, details, lists, etc. Focus on perfecting a project, usually left _______________ Devotion to work Inflexible about morality & values

12 “_______________” Stingy & miserly spending Rigid & Stubborn

13 Other Features Also seen in Mood & Eating disorders 2X as much in _______________ ~1%

14 OCD vs. OCPD OCD=true obsessions and compulsions OCPD=a _________, way of living, no specific obsessions or compulsions

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