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GraduateFIRST is a nationally recognized initiative that utilizes a data-driven intervention framework to successfully address barriers to graduation.

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2 GraduateFIRST is a nationally recognized initiative that utilizes a data-driven intervention framework to successfully address barriers to graduation for students with disabilities.

3 Belonging Family and Community Engagement

4  Focus on Attendance, Behavior, and Course Performance  Helping students develop a sense of belonging, develop caring relationships, and self-determination  All of these dimensions are underpinned by strong family and community engagement

5  Affective Engagement  Developing caring relationships with adults  Sense of School connectedness  School bonding  Mentoring

6  Academic Engagement  Behavioral Engagement  Attendance!

7  Cognitive Engagement  Students ‘ investment in the learning  Setting learning goals  Self-efficacy  Self-determination  Motivation

8  Family Engagement Parenting Communication Volunteering Learning at Home Decision Making Collaboration With The Community

9  Parenting  Provide assistance to parents in understanding the Georgia Performance Standards and graduation requirements  Provide materials and parent trainings /workshops to help parents improve their children’s academic achievement  Innovate School‐Level Parenting Initiatives

10  Communication  Develop a written School ‐ Parent Compact that is signed by teachers, students, administrators, and parents and kept at school.  Ensure information is presented in a format that parents can understand and in additional languages.  Innovate School-Level Communication Initiatives.

11  Volunteering  Volunteers can make many valuable contributions to the school  Innovate School ‐ Level Volunteer Initiatives

12  Learning at Home  CGHS will provide materials for parents  Innovate School- Level initiatives to assist with learning at home.

13  Decision Making  Parent Involvement Plan is developed with input from parents and available for public review.  Review the effectiveness of the school parental involvement activities.  Other School‐Level Shared Decision Making Initiatives.

14  Community Involvement  We will work with community–based organizations and businesses to collaborate and develop sustained parental involvement  Innovate School‐Level community collaboration initiatives


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