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Please sign in!!!!!. Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International. To build my home, school, and community.

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Presentation on theme: "Please sign in!!!!!. Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International. To build my home, school, and community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sign in!!!!!

2 Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International. To build my home, school, and community. To serve my nation and God. And to COMBAT ALL FORCES WHICH TENDS TO UNDERMINE THESE INSTITUTIONS!


4 Upcoming Service Events

5 Science Department Help Mrs. Donovan would like an aid to help her after school with grading papers, setting up labs, etc. This is a great opportunity for underclassmen. Lynam needs COMMITTED help to work with science department: cleaning test tubes, setting up labs, etc.

6 Pine Forest Elementary FallFest Saturday, November 6 th 10am-2pm pfepta pfepta

7 Greentree Elementary FallFest Friday, November 6 5-9pm Sign up at the table when the meeting ends!

8 Lehnen Family Fundraiser Our goal was not met, so no one will be getting pied! But thank you to everyone who helped out!

9 Fall Frenzy November 20 th during den Star Wars Themed Tickets will be $2 2/3 of the proceeds will be going to cystic fibrosis, the rest of the money will be going to Key Club fundraising! If you are interested in helping out with decorations, or volunteering at the event, please sign up when the meeting ends!

10 Trick-Or-Treat for Unicef Boxes are due today!! Please make sure your name, and the amount collected is written on the box!

11 Volunteering Commitment If you sign up for something, YOU are obligated to fulfill that commitment. If something last minute comes up, please try to un- sign up for that event. If it is a Key Club service project, please let the head of that project know. DO NOT sign up for an event that you are unsure about attending. Service opportunities rely on the volunteers to make everything successful!

12 Points All 12 points for the semester are due at the December 15 th meeting! NO exceptions! Please check your point sheet amount at the end of the meeting if you are unsure about how many points you have.

13 Member of the Month Congratulations to Jerry J. Johnson! Attended both October meetings Attended Ridge Creek Elementary PTSA Luncheon Decorating, Woodland Hills Carnival, Deerwood Carnival, and KMS Region Band Room Monitoring!

14 Stay Updated! Remind 101: Text @kc15-16 to 81010 Key Club Webpage Under student activities page Twitter: @kphskeyclub

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