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Small-hold Rattan-based Enterprise Development (SERD) in Asia and Pacific ITTO Rattan Project Team Marcial C. Amaro Jr. Aida Baja-Lapis Magdalena Giron.

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Presentation on theme: "Small-hold Rattan-based Enterprise Development (SERD) in Asia and Pacific ITTO Rattan Project Team Marcial C. Amaro Jr. Aida Baja-Lapis Magdalena Giron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small-hold Rattan-based Enterprise Development (SERD) in Asia and Pacific ITTO Rattan Project Team Marcial C. Amaro Jr. Aida Baja-Lapis Magdalena Giron Imelda Pangga Kharina G. Bueser Gregorio Santos Jr. Armando M. Palijon

2 Rattans Global Regional IMPORTANCE National Local

3 GOAL Develop small-hold rattan-based enterprises in: Asia (e.g. Camdodia, Lao, Philippines) & Pacific (e.g. Papua New Guinea and Fiji)

4 Specific Objectives 1.ID potential & select most suited SREs in each of the participating countries. 2.Demonstrate thru establishment of a pilot SREs in each of the participating countries.

5 Specialty Rattans Cane………. more common traditional material from rattan used for furniture & handicraft Other traditional products: - traditionally used for local consumption - commercially traded Other products being discovered: - local consumption - for commercialization

6 1. Fruits as source of dye (dragon blood) Malaysia & Indonesia Species Daemonorops draco D. draconcellus D. mattanensis D. micranthus D. motleyi D. rubber D. sabut Becc.

7 2. Edible fruits Thailand Calamus viminalis - Wai dong

8 Edible fruits Philippines Calamus ornatus var. philippinensis -Limuran -Kalape Calamus trispermus Calamus Manillensis -Lituko


10 Edible & Non- edible fruits Edible fruits by products: condiments vinegar sour flavorings wine decorative

11 Edible Shoots Lao PDR & Thailand 1. Calamus tenuis wai nyair - Lao PDR wai numpueng-Thailand

12 Edible Shoots Calamus viminalis -wai ton in Lao PDR -wai dong(Thailand)

13 Ornamental Plant Philippines Korthalsia laciniosa - danan Calamus discolor - kumaboi Kothalsia

14 As host of edible beetle: Aphrodisiac

15 Project Activities 1. ID of existing SREs or village rattan-based enterprises -Profile -Status -Distribution -Demand for raw materials -Production capacity -Current market of products -Socio-economic benefits

16 Project Activities 2. ID of potential SREs for rattan products other than from cane

17 Project Activities 3. Resource assessment  Natural rattan forests  Artificial rattan plantation  Current project/ initiatives in plantation development

18 Project Activities 4. Establishment of plantation for production materials for SREs If supply of materials from natural rattan forest & artificial rattan plantation will not be enough to support SREs

19 Project Activities Production of raw materials No middlemen, value added & other benefits will accrue to community Community Small-hold Rattan- based Enterprises Domestic Market International

20 Plantation Development: activities 1. Selection of community 2. Training of community on nursery, plantation & harvesting (if needed) 3. Nursery Planting Stock production 4. Plantation establishment and management 5. Harvesting of rattan materials for SREs

21 Establishment of SREs Selection of community for SREs Capacity building - SRE estab & management - Primary processing - Finished product development: = wine processing = medicine = health drinks = processing = packaging & promotion - Marketing

22 Establishment & management of SREs Marketing strategies in relation to: -product quality -design -acceptance Sourcing/creation of Local & international markets for: -primary processed -finished products

23 Impact of nursery/plantation & SREs Socio-economic - Livelihood - Employment generation Environment Biological diversity

24 IEC Website about the project & products developed IEC materials like product brochures Participation in international and national trade fairs Other means of promotion of SRE products

25 Project outputs 1.Data base on: -rattan resources existing SREs & REs 2. Existing Rattan plantation enhanced/ new plantation developed 3. Existing SREs enhanced/new SREs developed 4. Marketing & SRE management strategies developed & implemented 5. IEC materials produced & used -website -brochures -other promotional strategies

26 Requirements to realize the proposed projects Active collaboration between & among countries in Asia- Pacific region in packaging & submission of proposal Acceptance of the project by potential international funding institutions Sharing of pooling of resources (financial, technical & material resources of would-be participating countries

27 Thank you very much from ITTO Rattan Project Family

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