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LEADERSHIP STYLES. LEARNING GOALS What is leadership? How do people lead? What are different styles of leadership? What are the pros/cons of different.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADERSHIP STYLES. LEARNING GOALS What is leadership? How do people lead? What are different styles of leadership? What are the pros/cons of different."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING GOALS What is leadership? How do people lead? What are different styles of leadership? What are the pros/cons of different styles of leadership? Who are the “Social Philosophers” and what did they say about leadership?

3 LEADERSHIP What is Leadership? What are some examples of leadership at the local, national and/or global levels?. Discuss

4 AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP AUTOCRATIC CHARACTERISTICS Tells others what to do Limits discussion on ideas and new ways of doing things Group does not experience feeling of teamwork WHEN EFFECTIVE Time is limited Individuals/Group lack skill and knowledge Group does not know each other WHEN INEFFECTIVE Developing a strong sense of team is the goal Some degree of skill/knowledge is in members Group wants an element of spontaneity in their work

5 DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP DEMOCRATIC CHARACTERISTICS Involves group members in planning and carrying out activities Asks before tells Promotes the sense of teamwork WHEN EFFECTIVE Time is available Group is motivated and/or a sense of team exists Some degree of skill or knowledge among members of group WHEN INEFFECTIVE Group is unmotivated No skill/knowledge is in members High degree of conflict present

6 LAISSEZ-FAIRE STYLE LAISSEZ-FAIRE (Let Do) CHARACTERISTICS Gives little or no direction to group/individuals Opinion is offered only when requested A person does not seem to be in charge WHEN EFFECTIVE High degree of skill and motivation Sense of team exists Routine is familiar to participants WHEN INEFFECTIVE Low sense of team/interdependence Low degree of skill/knowledge is in members Group expects to be told what to do

7 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #1 You find yourself in a group in a class that has to write and put together a dramatic presentation that will be filmed on video. There are people of all types in the group and most seem pretty keen on the project.

8 Most Likely Answer: DEMOCRATIC....WHY?

9 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #2 You are a camp counsellor assigned with a group of first time campers. You will be competing against other cabins in a scavenger hunt being held in just half an hour. The other cabins have older, more experienced kids, but your group, with no experience, wants to win!

10 Most Likely Answer: AUTOCRATIC....WHY?

11 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #3 The boss is away in the hospital, but everyone has done their job before, and they like working at their jobs. They tend to socialize after work as a group, and know each other well. They also have fairly set routines. Since you cant call the boss, how should the employees be lead today?

12 Most Likely Answer: LAISSEZ-FAIRE....WHY?

13 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #4 You find yourself in a group doing an assignment that nobody wants to do, including yourself. Unfortunately, this assignment will decide whether you pass or fail the course. You are the most motivated to pass, and people tend to listen to you. What should you do?

14 Most Likely Answer: AUTOCRATIC....WHY?

15 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #5 A committee is planning the annual Christmas party for employees and their families. Last year was one of the most successful parties, and all of the people who are on the committee now worked together then as well. How should it run this year?

16 Most Likely Answer: DEMOCRATIC....WHY?

17 IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN WHICH LEADERSHIP STYLE WOULD WORK BEST AND WHY Scenario #6 You have thirty minutes left to decorate your house for your best friend’s surprise party. Other friends have started helping, but they don’t really know what to do, and are making a mess. What do you do?

18 Most Likely Answer: AUTOCRATIC....WHY?


20 -The Social Philosophers- Social Contract Theory

21 Thomas Hobbes (1588−1679 ) argued that a social contract is necessary because of the nature of humans. He believed in the need for a ruler because human beings are naturally selfish and animalistic in their instinct for self- preservation. Hobbes believed that if people had complete freedom, without rules or a ruler to establish order, they would harm anyone who threatened their well-being. Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan depicts government as a giant reining in the otherwise lawless people.

22 Social Contract Theory John Locke (1632−1704) disagreed with Hobbes’ view of the Leviathan and the absolute authority of the state. He believed that people hold natural rights of life, liberty, and property. According to Locke, the state can justify its authority only if it protects these rights. In The Second Treatise of Civil Government (1690), Locke’s premise of the social contract focuses on the mutual obligation between the government and its subjects: the government protects the rights of its subjects, and, in turn the subjects obey the government’s laws.

23 Social Contract Theory The government’s rule remains firm as long as the government upholds the protection of the rights and laws that were made with the people’s consent; if the government violates these rights and laws, the people can form a new government. Locke’s reasons for the state were adopted in the U.S. Constitution, but “property” was changed to the “pursuit of happiness.”

24 Social Contract Theory Swiss-born Rousseau’s (1712–1778) book The Social Contract opens as follows “Man is born free, and is everywhere in chains.” Unlike Hobbes, Rousseau believed that evil and misery come from society, not from people, whose nature is essentially good. Rousseau explains that it is in everyone’s interest to enter into a social contract—to compromise some of his or her rights in order to enjoy the benefits of the state: – “Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and, in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole.”

25 Social Contract Theory Rousseau argued that the existence of the state is justified because it represents what is best for the community—a concept that he called the general will. The state understands and respects the general will and applies it for the benefit of everyone. The actions of those who defy the general will are not tolerated because they are harmful to the social contract and to themselves.

26 Social Philosophers Examine chart and answer questions on the Social Philosophers

27 Success Criteria: Students will get to know the different styles of leadership; their characteristics, and their pros/cons. Students will identify the various types of leadership styles presented to them; Students will learn about the “Social Philosophers” and what they said about how people need to be led/governed and why.

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