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The Dutch Asylum Procedure & Application Centre Schiphol Revised procedure july 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dutch Asylum Procedure & Application Centre Schiphol Revised procedure july 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dutch Asylum Procedure & Application Centre Schiphol Revised procedure july 2010

2 Dutch asylum procedure Revised July 1st, 2010 Procedure consists of: Time for Recuperation and Preparation Asylum Procedure 8(- 14) days Extended Asylum Procedure 6 months (AP included)

3 Application Centres in The Netherlands 4 Application Centres: main stream 80-90% of NL asylum applications Ter Apel (north) Zevenaar (east) Den Bosch (south) extra-Schengen/detention/minors (registration - see sheet 11) Schiphol

4 Application Centres in The Netherlands Performing the Asylum and Extended Asylum procedure: AC Ter Apel, AC Den Bosch and AC Zevenaar: 5 days a week, Monday through Friday AC Schiphol: 7 days a week, weekend days & national holidays included

5 Multi-partner co-operation Royal Military Constabulary (KMar), Aliens Police (VP), Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), Legal Aid (RvR), Dutch Refugee Council (VWN), Asylum Seekers Reception Agency (COA), NIDOS (legal guardian for minors), Repatriation & Departure Service (DT&V) other: security, catering, public health nurse, MediFirst Medical Advice e.g.)

6 Time for Recuperation and Preparation 6 days (minimum) - generally 10 to 11 days Application for Asylum in Ter Apel (National Reception) Intake interview by Aliens Police TBC-check Documents check Relocation by Asylum Seekers Reception Agency to Asylum Process Locations

7 Time for Recuperation and Preparation Process Reception Location: COA receives client (houserules etc.) Dutch Refugee Council informs client on Asylum Procedure Medical Advice Client receives temporary ID-document Client meets at Legal Advisor’s office

8 Asylum procedure Day 1: IND intake interview (identity/nationality/travel route) Day 2: Legal Aid prepairs client for second interview Day 3: IND asylum interview Day 4: Legal Aid reviews and connotates second interview Day 5: IND delivers Asylum permit or Intended decision to refuse the application (“negative decision”) Day 6: Legal Aid reviews the intended IND-decision Day 7/Day 8: Delivery of negative decision to client Under strict circumstances 1-6 extra days If no decision is taken: Extended Asylum Procedure

9 Extended Asylum Procedure No (further) interviews unless needed 6 months (incl. Asylum procedure)

10 Repatriation and Departure 4 weeks of accommodation after IND-decision (+12 weeks in designated location under restrictions) Judge will decide within 4 weeks after negative decision DT&V starts with repatriation/departure preparation

11 AC Schiphol AC Schiphol is application centre for: 1.extra-Schengen border applications 2.applications in detention (incl. minors) 3.unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (registration/age examination/ intensive protection indication)

12 AC Schiphol 1-3 days Time for Recuperation and Preparation (until 2013: new location: 6 days TRP) all activities take place in-house 6 weeks Extended Asylum Procedure for: additional short term research designated applications in detention

13 AC Schiphol: Repatriation and Depature Client will be kept in custody after negative decision Judge will decide within 2 weeks after negative decision

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