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The Counter Reformation and Other Reformers Teacher’s Edition.

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1 The Counter Reformation and Other Reformers Teacher’s Edition

2 Today’s Main Idea: Catholics at all levels recognized the need for reform in the Church. Their work turned back the tide of Protestantism in some areas and renewed the zeal of Catholics everywhere.

3 Ulrich Zwingli: Tried to set up in theocracy in Switzerland Theocracy  a government ruled according to religious principles Believed leaders were divinely inspired This means their power and direction came from God Luther did not agree with these ideas

4 John Calvin: Believed in predestination Predestination – God knew before you were born whether you would achieve salvation Ruled according to theocracy Saw people as naturally sinful He believed in adhering to a strict form of life No dancing, feast or fancy dresses Believed that the world needed to stay pure for the ‘elect’

5 The Inquisition: The Pope set up a court to monitor the reformation, this was called the inquisition. Its goal was to fight the growth of Protestantism. The inquisition tried individuals who were accused of being protestants. The inquisition tried to control the spread of Protestantism by controlling what could be printed. Index of Forbidden Books listed all of the banned books. The Index told people if they read these books they would loose their soul to the devil.

6 The Inquisition became known for its violence and executions. This was seen as an abuse of the church’s power.

7 The Spanish Inquisition: The Spanish monarchs set up a court known as the Spanish Inquisition They used the inquisition to make all the people of Spain follow the same religion - Catholicism. They targeted individuals who converted to: Protestantism, Judaism and Islam

8 Origins of the Counter Reformation: Catholics felt the need to reform in response to the protestant reformation. Counter Reformation  The Catholic Church’s response to the spread of Protestantism

9 The Jesuits: Started by:Ignatius of Loyola Goals:Obedience of the church and above all renewal of the church’s spirituality Concentrated on education Achievements:Started schools and universities Knowledge of other cultures Spread Catholicism around the world

10 Their service and outreach programs helped the Catholic Church gain ground against the Protestant Reformation. Helped spread the Catholic Church around the world

11 The Council of Trent: Council of Trent  a meeting of church leaders in the 1500’s whose purpose was to clearly define Catholic doctrine(policies and beliefs) for the Catholic Reformation During this meeting the church examined many of the criticism of the protestants

12 Council of Trent Conclusions: Rejected the protestant ideals of self discipline and individual faith Practicing the Catholic faith helps one gain salvation Condemns the selling of indulgences Nuns begin to help the poor No real compromise was reached between the Protestant and the Catholics

13 Long lasting affects of the Reformation:  Religious conflict spread throughout Europe EX: Conflict over control of Italy – protestants vs. the Pope  Nationalism grew as Catholicism weakened  Discussion Question – How affective was the Counter Reformation? How do we judge the effectiveness of the Counter Reformation?

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