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Please do not Talk at this timeOct 6 HW: HW: Pg. 31A Read Chapter 6, Sec. 2 and add to your Charts in the box labeled Book Notes with info on these philosophers.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not Talk at this timeOct 6 HW: HW: Pg. 31A Read Chapter 6, Sec. 2 and add to your Charts in the box labeled Book Notes with info on these philosophers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please do not Talk at this timeOct 6 HW: HW: Pg. 31A Read Chapter 6, Sec. 2 and add to your Charts in the box labeled Book Notes with info on these philosophers and their ideas : Montesquieu, Wollstonecraft, Rousseau 3R’s quiz retests in the Tutorial Center until Friday. Hobbes- The Grumpy Hater Locke- The Selfish Thinker Montesquieu- The Balanced Nobleman Rousseau- The Hopeful Nice Guy Wollstonecraft - The Angry Feminist Please get out your Enlightenment Thinkers DBQ Handouts. We have Three more to do!


3 John Locke – Later English Enlightenment Philosopher – Lived during Glorious Revolution – Since he saw a better government formed without war, he knows this is possible Two Treatises on Government (1690) – People are born naturally free with natural rights (life, liberty, and property) – Create government to protect natural rights – Get rid of government if not doing its job

4 1.Identify: According to John Locke, what are the “natural rights” of all men? 2.Explain: According to John Locke, why do people unite to form communities and governments? When should people disobey or rebel against the government? 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think John Locke would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by John Locke influenced Western political thought?

5 1.Identify: According to John Locke, what are the “natural rights” of all men? 2.Explain: According to John Locke, why do people unite to form communities and governments? When should people disobey or rebel against the government? 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think John Locke would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by John Locke influenced Western political thought?

6 1.Identify: According to John Locke, what are the “natural rights” of all men? 2.Explain: According to John Locke, why do people unite to form communities and governments? When should people disobey or rebel against the government? 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think John Locke would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by John Locke influenced Western political thought?

7 1.Identify: According to John Locke, what are the “natural rights” of all men? 2.Explain: According to John Locke, why do people unite to form communities and governments? When should people disobey or rebel against the government? 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think John Locke would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by John Locke influenced Western political thought?

8 Charles de Montesquieu – French baron and philosopher The Spirit of Laws (1777) – 3 Branches of Gov’t Legislative: creates laws Executive: enforces laws Judicial: interprets laws – Separation of Powers: branches are split up so one can’t get too much power Model for OUR gov’t! He totally stole this from Aristotle!

9 1.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what are the three kinds of power in every government? What does each one of these powers do? 2.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what happens when one group or individual controls all three of these powers? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Explain. 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think Montesquieu would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Montesquieu influenced Western political thought?

10 1.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what are the three kinds of power in every government? What does each one of these powers do? 2.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what happens when one group or individual controls all three of these powers? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Explain. 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think Montesquieu would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Montesquieu influenced Western political thought?

11 1.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what are the three kinds of power in every government? What does each one of these powers do? 2.Explain: According to Montesquieu, what happens when one group or individual controls all three of these powers? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Explain. 3.Analyze: What type of government do you think Montesquieu would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Montesquieu influenced Western political thought?

12 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacque Rousseau – Born in Geneva, Switzerland – Later moved to France – Is convinced people are smart and kind and good. Only society and a few bad people corrupt others. The Social Contract (1762) – People should have as much individual freedom as possible – Government formed by a Social Contract: a direct democracy where everyone is equal and has an equal say in politics

13 1.Explain: What does Rousseau mean when he says “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains”? Explain. 2.Summarize: According to Rousseau, how does a government created by the Social Contract work? 3.Explain: According to Rousseau, how does a man keep his freedom under a government created by the Social Contract? 4.Analyze: What type of government do you think Rousseau would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC

14 1.Explain: What does Rousseau mean when he says “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains”? Explain. 2.Summarize: According to Rousseau, how does a government created by the Social Contract work? 3.Explain: According to Rousseau, how does a man keep his freedom under a government created by the Social Contract? 4.Analyze: What type of government do you think Rousseau would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC

15 1.Explain: What does Rousseau mean when he says “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains”? Explain. 2.Summarize: According to Rousseau, how does a government created by the Social Contract work? 3.Explain: According to Rousseau, how does a man keep his freedom under a government created by the Social Contract? 4.Analyze: What type of government do you think Rousseau would want? Explain, and BE SPECIFIC

16 Mary Wollstonecraft – English Enlightenment philosopher – Self-educated woman – A rebel- Unmarried mother, an artists and a little unstable. Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) – Women are not respected by men in society – Society is keeping women down – Women must receive an equal education and have equal opportunities as men

17 1.Identify: According to Wollstonecraft, how do men of the time period view women? What does Wollstonecraft think about this? 2.Explain: According to Wollstonecraft, what is holding women back (from studying politics, for example)? 3.Explain: What does Wollstonecraft mean when she says, “I do not wish for them to have power over men, but over themselves”? Explain. 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Wollstonecraft influenced Western political thought?

18 1.Identify: According to Wollstonecraft, how do men of the time period view women? What does Wollstonecraft think about this? 2.Explain: According to Wollstonecraft, what is holding women back (from studying politics, for example)? 3.Explain: What does Wollstonecraft mean when she says, “I do not wish for them to have power over men, but over themselves”? Explain. 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Wollstonecraft influenced Western political thought?

19 1.Identify: According to Wollstonecraft, how do men of the time period view women? What does Wollstonecraft think about this? 2.Explain: According to Wollstonecraft, what is holding women back (from studying politics, for example)? 3.Explain: What does Wollstonecraft mean when she says, “I do not wish for them to have power over men, but over themselves”? Explain. 4.Analyze: In what ways do you think the ideas expressed by Wollstonecraft influenced Western political thought?

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