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Chapter 10 The World of Islam. Explain how the religion of Islam rose. __________ was convinced that he was a prophet sent to bring Arabs a new faith.

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1 Chapter 10 The World of Islam

2 Explain how the religion of Islam rose. __________ was convinced that he was a prophet sent to bring Arabs a new faith. This new, monotheistic religion was called ________, which means surrender to _______ (God). Followers were known as Muslims. Many adopted the new faith, but the many that did not threatened the life of Mohammed. To escape, he, along with followers, left Mecca for _________ in A.D 622, the flight known as __________. A.D. 622 is Year One on the Muslim calendar. In Medina, Mohammed gained power and followers and preached a holy war against nonbelievers, known as _______. In 630, Mecca surrendered to the Muslim army, and in the next few years, Mohammed united most Arabian tribes, making them a great force.

3 What are some of the basic teachings of the religion? The ________ is the holy book of Islam, which contains the word of God as revealed to Mohammed. Islamic views of God are similar to Christian and Jewish, but they believe they can communicate directly through prayer and have no priests. The do not worship Mohammed as a god, but as a _________. Muslims have five religious duties known as the Five Pillars of Islam.

4 Explain how the Quran influenced Islamic society. The Quran forbids Muslims to gamble, drink alcohol, or eat certain foods. The Koran preached religious tolerance for Christians and Jews, and improved the lives of slaves. The Quran outlawed the practice of killing unwanted baby girls and granted women some rights, but still gave men authority over women.

5 List and Explain the Five Pillars of Islam. Declaration of Faith – There is no god other than _____, and Muhammad is His prophet. Daily Prayer – Pray towards _______ five times a day. Alms for the Poor – Help the poor if possible. Fast During ____________ – From sunrise to sunset during the holy month. ______ – Make a pilgrimage to Mecca is possible.

6 Under Islamic law, how did the status of women change? Women were granted a share of family inheritances and the right to own property. Women were granted support, and sometimes dowry, in the case of divorce. Life later became more restricted for women. For example, it became customary for women to wear veils in public.

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