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July 2012 CSWG NPRR347/ NPRR400/ NPRR391 Transition Plan Matt Tozer / Ohlen Genove.

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Presentation on theme: "July 2012 CSWG NPRR347/ NPRR400/ NPRR391 Transition Plan Matt Tozer / Ohlen Genove."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 2012 CSWG NPRR347/ NPRR400/ NPRR391 Transition Plan Matt Tozer / Ohlen Genove

2 2 Highlights of the NPRRs  NPRR347 Combined DAM and RTM Invoice into a daily Settlement Invoice Monthly Late Fee Invoice will be based on Settlement Invoice  NPRR391 Payments for the Settlement Invoice is due 2 Bank Business days after the Invoice date Completely phase out ACH Payment Method

3 3 Transition – DAM and RTM to Settlement Invoice 11/5/2012 (M)11/6/2012 (T)11/7/2012 (W)11/8/2012 (Th)11/9/2012 (F) Statements DAM 11/1 Initial 10/25-27 Final 9/5-7 TrueUp 5/7-9 DAM 11/2-4 Initial 10/28 Final 9/8 TrueUp 5/10 DAM 11/5 Initial 10/29 Final 9/9 TrueUp 5/11 DAM 11/6 Initial 10/30 Final 9/10 TrueUp 5/12 DAM 11/7 Initial 10/31 Final 9/11 TrueUp 5/13 InvoicesDAM Invoice 11/1DAM Invoices 11/2-4DAM Invoice 11/5DAM Invoice 11/6 RTM Invoice 11/8: Initial 10/19-25 Final 8/31-9/6 TrueUp 5/2-8 DAM Invoice 11/7 Payments Payments due: DAM 11/1 RTM Inv 11/1 Payments due for DAM 11/2-4  Go-live date of 11/9/2012, after Settlement and Billing runs have completed

4 4 Transition – DAM and RTM to Settlement Invoice 11/12/2012 (M)11/13/2012 (T) 11/14/2012 (W) 11/15/2012 (Th)11/16/2012 (F) Statements DAM 11/8 Initial 11/1-3 Final 9/12-14 TrueUp 5/14-16 DAM 11/9-11 Initial 11/4 Final 9/15 TrueUp 5/17 DAM 11/12 Initial 11/5 Final 9/16 TrueUp 5/18 DAM 11/13 Initial 11/6 Final 9/17 TrueUp 5/19 DAM 11/14 Initial 11/7 Final 9/18 TrueUp 5/20 Invoices Settlement Invoice: DAM 11/8 Initial 11/1-3 Final 9/12-14 TrueUp 5/14-16 Settlement Invoice: DAM 11/9-11 Initial 11/4 Final 9/15 TrueUp 5/17 Settlement Invoice: DAM 11/12 Initial 11/5 Final 9/16 TrueUp 5/18 Settlement Invoice: DAM 11/13 Initial 11/6 Final 9/17 TrueUp 5/19 RTM Invoice 11/15: Initial 10/26-10/31 Final 9/7-11 TrueUp 5/9-13 Settlement Invoice: DAM 11/14 Initial 11/7 Final 9/18 TrueUp 5/20 Payments Bank Holiday Payments due: DAM 11/5 Payments due: DAM 11/6 Settlement Inv 11/12 Payments due: DAM 11/7 Settlement Inv 11/13 Payments due: RTM Inv 11/8 Settlement Inv 11/14

5 5 Key Dates - DAM and RTM to Settlement Invoice  Last DAM Invoice is for Operating Day 11/7  Posts on 11/9  Payments due to ERCOT on 11/15, on the 3 rd BBD  Last RTM Invoice posts on 11/15  Payments due to ERCOT on 11/26, on the 5 th BBD  First Settlement Invoice posts on 11/12  Payments due to ERCOT on 11/14, on the 2 nd BBD  Settlement Calendar  Entries for Settlement Invoices will be added in October  DAM Invoice and RTM Invoice entries will be deleted in November

6 6 Transition – Late Fees and Invoices  On 11/12/2012  Post DAM Late Fee Invoice for October’s late fees on DAM Invoices  Post RTM Late Fee Invoice for October’s late fees on RTM Invoices  On 12/10/2012  Post DAM Late Fee Invoice for November’s late fees on DAM Invoices  Post RTM Late Fee Invoice for November’s late fees on RTM Invoices  Post Late Fee Invoice for November’s late fees on Settlement Invoices  On 1/10/2013  Post Late Fee Invoice for December’s late fees on Settlement Invoices

7 7 Sample files  Located in named “NPRR347 Sample”  Settlement Invoice XSD  Settlement Invoice XSL  Sample Settlement Invoice in XML and HTML  Late Fee Invoice XSD  Late Fee Invoice XSL  Sample Late Fee Invoice in XML and HTML

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