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1/24 PostEurop’s role in developing Central and Eastern European postal activities Botond SZEBENY Member of the Management Board Chairman, European Affairs.

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1 1/24 PostEurop’s role in developing Central and Eastern European postal activities Botond SZEBENY Member of the Management Board Chairman, European Affairs Committee (EAC) Pochtovaya Troika Saint-Petersburg 2 July 2009

2 2/24 PostEurop 175,000 retail counters Linking 800m people 48 European Postal Operators 2.1m employees PostEurop

3 3/24 PostEurop transversals and pillars PostEurop represents the European Postal Industry. It supports its members throughout the evolving market and promotes the industry interests to all stakeholders VISION

4 4/24 PostEurop’s initiatives Priority areas of PostEurop’s development initiatives in the Central and Eastern European region  Quality of Service  International and EU Regulatory Environment  Market Development  Corporate Social Responsibility

5 5/24 PostEurop emphasises the improvement of QoS  PostEurop’s Vilamoura Strategy (2005) underlined the importance of quality of cross-border mail  According to EU Postal Directive J+3 figure of intra-community cross border mail shall reach 85%  PostEurop members agreed to extend the objective to reach J+3: 85% Europe-wide!

6 6/24 PostEurop’s ambition  Support and assist PostEurop members in the field of improving quality of service  Prepare and supply the postal operators with tools and trainings in order to achieve the EU Directive and Vilamoura Strategy goals, J+3 85% Europe-wide  PostEurop organisational structure reflects this goal: within PostEurop Operational Affairs Committee Quality of Service WG and Operations WG

7 7/24 PostEurop’s role  Act like partner  Create a common platform for quality of service for all PostEurop members  Meet the different levels of the postal administrations  Assist with applications for EU and UPU fundings

8 8/24 Regional development – UPU context  The UPU is setting up development plans for the different regions in the world  PostEurop as a Restricted Union within UPU also emphasises the importance of regional co-operation  PostEurop’s aim: 1.ensure cooperation in favour of the beneficiary parties; 2.ensure the best use of resources (human, technical and financial) from all parties involved (UPU, PostEurop, operators, countries)  With the combined use of PostEurop and UPU expertise, financial resources from UPU Funds, the optimisation of activities can be ensured

9 9/24 PostEurop’s activities I.  Regional projects  National projects  Process Reviews As part of the UPU development cooperation policy for 2009 – 2012, agreement between UPU and PostEurop on the allocation of financing resources for Europe and CIS activities Based on that, in the coming years, certain PostEurop’s QoS initiatives could be financed by UPU Funds, the remaining part by PE budget and members direct contribution  Process Assessment  Training, QSF billing, etc.  Joint workshops, Terminal Dues

10 10/24 PostEurop’s activities II. Recently launched regional projects  PostEurop/RCC members - joining the HQ-HQ Quality Measurement System between European Postal Administrations  South-East European postal operators - regional actions to improve the quality of services Sub regional area full package project? For example the Balkan or CIS area:  Process Reviews  Process assessments  Training workshops  Joint workshops

11 11/24 „Full package project”

12 12/24 Topics for in 2010 in the field of QoS  Upgrading  Customs and its impact on quality  Quality measurement systems and RMS  Quality management systems  IPS  Parcel products features  Security  Funding opportunities / QSF billing

13 13/24 UPU Affairs – International Affairs Committee

14 14/24 EU Regulatory Environment EAC chair EAC plenary Working Group Activities Postal Directive WG VAT WG SGI WG WTO/GATS WG Aviation Security WG Transport and Energy Legislation WG Monitoring Activities Leg. on Standardisation Leg. on Data and Consumer Protection Leg. on Financial Services Impacting Mail Leg. on Digital Services EAC Vice-Chair European Affairs Committee (EAC)

15 15/24 Steps of European postal liberalisation 199797/67/EC – First Postal Directive Reserved area – 350 grams 20022002/39/EC – Second Postal Directive 2003Reserved area – 100 grams 200410 new Member States (CZ, CY, EE, HU, LV, LT, MT, PL, SK, SL) 2006Reserved area – 50 grams 20072 new Member States (BG, RO) 20082008/6/EC – Third Postal Directive: FMO in 2011/13

16 16/24 Full market opening  Member States that have already liberalised their postal market: Sweden (1993); Finland (1993); United Kingdom (2006); Germany (2008); the Netherlands (2009); Estonia (2009)  Date of Full Market Opening based on the Third Postal Directive: as a general rule, 2011  2013 for 11 Member States Cyprus Luxembourg Czech Republic Malta Greece Poland Hungary Romania Latvia Slovakia Lithuania

17 17/24 Regulatory challenges Main regulatory challenges that need to be solved during the implementation of the Third Postal Directive:  calculation and financing of the net cost of the universal service obligation  licensing regimes  access to infrastructure  social level playing field

18 18/24 Other EU regulatory developments  Postal VAT dossier – postal VAT regulation needs to be harmonised at EU level (apply or not, scope, standard or reduced rate)  Postal services as part of the services of general interest – the European Commission compares regularly SGIs  Data and Consumer Protection – increasing level of objection from the public/different organisations seeking limits for the distribution of DM items  E-invoicing – the European Commission suggests the equal treatment of paper based and electronic invoices

19 19/24 Market development  European Mail Industry Platform (EMIP) – group of stakeholders in the wider sector  Publication of „The Facts of Our Value Chain” by EMIP  Provides customers and the public with an objective picture on the carbon footprint of the postal sector

20 20/24 Main findings of the document I. 1.Forests are not being destroyed to produce paper-mail 2.The paper industry rarely cuts trees for the production of paper 3.The paper industry does not have a big carbon footprint 4.The paper industry does not consume immense quantities of fossil fuels 5.Mail represents 0.1% of the total household CO2 emission

21 21/24 Main findings of the document II. 6. Paper used in communications should not end up in landfill 7. Paper is recycled more than any other packaging material 8. There is no such thing as „junk mail” 9. The postal network is guaranteed to reach 100% of European citizens 10. Electronic communications are not more environmentally friendly than paper based communications

22 22/24 Corporate Social Responsibility PostEurop launched a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programme in 2007  18 members plus 6 observers  Voluntary commitment of 10% reduction CO2 emissions over 5 years  Cover both transportation and facilities  Tools, best practice, collection of data on carbon footprint, analysis and reporting

23 23/24 Participants of the GHG Red. Programme Observers: Poczta Polska; Posta Romana; Posten Aland; Turkish PTT; Bulgarian Posts; Cyprus Post

24 24/24 Thank you very much for your kind attention!

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