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Chapter 4 The American Revolution. Common Sense  Written by Thomas Paine  was written in a simple and direct style so everyone could understand it.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 The American Revolution. Common Sense  Written by Thomas Paine  was written in a simple and direct style so everyone could understand it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 The American Revolution

2 Common Sense  Written by Thomas Paine  was written in a simple and direct style so everyone could understand it

3 2nd Continental Congress  2nd continental congress Philadelphia most of the same delegates from the first congress three new members; Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock the delegates were as divided as the American people

4 Events that led to war  George III refused the Olive Branch petition  in 1776 after 1 year of fighting the colonist decided to officially cut ties with England

5 Declaration of Independence  George Washington was named to be the commander of the patriot forces

6 Declaration of Independence  Signed on July 4th 1776  most of it was written by Thomas Jefferson  Jefferson got ideas from John Locke  the Declaration is broken into 4 parts preamble declaration of rights complaints resolution

7 Declaration of Independence  Slavery was not mentioned on purpose  women's rights were not discussed

8 The Siege of Boston  about 20,000 armed patriots surrounded Boston  Gen. Gage and 6,000 troops wanted the high ground


10 The Siege of Boston Bunker Hill  first major battle of the war  Americans controlled both Bunker and Breeds hills  Americans can be shot from all three sides  June 17, 1776 the British attacked Breeds hill  War ships and 2000 regular soldiers


12 Bunker Hill  The British went with a frontal attack 3 reasons for frontal attack 1.Did not want to place soldiers between two lines of the enemy 2.Did not think the Americans could handle regular British army/ they wanted to show power 3.Underestimated the Americans


14 Bunker Hill  The British army will attack 3 times  The first two attacks will be unsuccessful  On the third attack the British Army overwhelmed the Americans who were almost out of ammunition  the British won but suffered heavy losses 226 dead, 828 wounded (2,400)  Americans: 140 killed, 271 wounded


16 Dorchester Heights  2 weeks after Bunker Hill/ George Washington will arrive in Boston  Washington has 13,000 men with only 6 months left of enlisted time  Washington sent for cannons from Ft. Ticonderoga

17 Dorchester Heights  55 cannons moved over the snow and ice from New York  Washington will surprise the British with an artillery bombardment on March 2 and 3  Over a one night period he occupied Dorchester Heights

18 Dorchester Heights  Howe had two options: attack the well protected and fortified Americans, or retreat  Howe told Washington he would not burn Boston if he let him retreat without an attack  March 17, 1776 9000 British troops and 1000 loyalists will flee Boston  March 18, 1776 Washington enters Boston

19 Strength and Weaknesses  American Strengths Patriots were fighting for a cause Officers knew the fighting tactics that worked in the French and Indian war *Washington was an exceptional commander  British Strengths Well equipped, disciplined and trained army World’s finest navy 50,000 loyalists Slaves in the south 30,000 Hessians


21 Strength and Weaknesses  Americans weakness Lacked a well supplied, stable and effective fighting force Washington would never know how many soldiers he would have  British weakness War was not popular in great Britain Troops fighting on hostile territory British generals would not change fighting tactics

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