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To Next Slide War for Independence Chapter 8 20 Questions! Compiled by T. Sams.

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Presentation on theme: "To Next Slide War for Independence Chapter 8 20 Questions! Compiled by T. Sams."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Next Slide War for Independence Chapter 8 20 Questions! Compiled by T. Sams

2 To Next Slide What letter was sent asking King George the Third to repeal the Intolerable Acts? Olive Branch Petition

3 To Next Slide George Washington Who was chosen to lead the Continental army?

4 To Next Slide Who wrote Common Sense, the pamphlet that most changed public opinion about the war? Thomas Paine

5 To Next Slide Was the Declaration of Independence signed before or after the Intolerable acts were passed? after

6 To Next Slide Why did colonial leaders call a second meeting of the Continental Congress? to decide what to do since a battle had been fought

7 To Next Slide What were the soldiers who made up the colonial army called? Continentals

8 To Next Slide Who chose George Washington to lead the Continental Army? Second Continental Congress

9 To Next Slide Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson

10 To Next Slide The Declaration of Independence States that all people are entitled to “Life, _______, and the pursuit of Happiness Liberty

11 To Next Slide What were the enslaved Africans promised if they enlisted in the Continental Army? freedom

12 To Next Slide What battle convinced the French that the colonists could win the war? Battle of Saratoga

13 To Next Slide Who was the free African who fought at the battle of Concord? Peter Salem

14 To Next Slide What did the Patriots want from Britain? independence

15 To Next Slide Who would not fight in the war? Quakers and other pacifists

16 To Next Slide What is a grievance? a complaint

17 To Next Slide What is a symbol of peace? an olive branch

18 To Next Slide This battle proved the Patriots had won the war. Battle of Yorktown

19 To Next Slide What is freedom to govern on your own? Independence

20 To Next Slide What is an official statement? declaration

21 To Next Slide What is a sudden, complete change in government? revolution

22 To Next Slide What was the Revolutionary war ended by and when? Treaty of Paris 1783

23 To Next Slide How was the British army different from George Washington’s army? the British were professional soldiers with the best training, the newest weapons and experienced officers

24 To Next Slide In the third part of the Declaration, Jefferson listed the colonists’ ____________, or complaints, about the unfair practices of the king. grievances

25 To Next Slide What was the date the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776

26 To Next Slide These are people that believed in a peaceful settlement of the war. pacifists

27 To Next Slide What is the name of the African slave that became one of the earliest American poets? Phillis Wheatley

28 To Next Slide Why did the French decide to help the Patriots in the war for independence? They thought the Americans could win and weaken their enemy the British.

29 To Next Slide That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!

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