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Russian Civil War Propaganda Posters

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Civil War Propaganda Posters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Civil War Propaganda Posters

2 Our Courageous Cossack Kriuchkov (Red Cossack) 1914

3 White army Propaganda Poster

4 Tsar, Pope and Bourgeois (1920)

5 White propaganda poster in the Russian Civil War – The Revolution of the Masses as a dragon and the landlords, bosses, imperialists and anti-semitic hordes as a white knight

6 Have you enlisted in the army?

7 A 1920 Bolshevik poster entitled, “The Last Battle”
A 1920 Bolshevik poster entitled, “The Last Battle”. Shows a Red Army soldier knocking a capitalist businessman off the world.

8 This 1919 Bolshevik poster shows the three white generals Denikin, Kolchak and Yudenich as three vicious dogs wh are under control of America, France and Britain.

9 Muslim Cavalry Division Officer Russian Civil War – White Army recruitment poster.

10 Only the close union of workers and peasants will save Russia

11 Soviet Anti-Religion Poster 1920’s
Text reads: “Religion – Poison. Save the Children.”

12 Death to World Imperialism

13 Ukranians and Russians have common call – No Master over Worker

14 Tsar, Pope and the Rich on the Worker’s shoulders.


16 In this White (anti-Bolshevik) poster, caricatures of the Bolshevik leadership (Uritzky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Lunacharsky, Lenin, Patrovsky, Trotsky, Kamenev, and Radek) sacrifice an allegorical figure representing Russia to the idol of internationalism resembling Karl Marx. In the background, Alexander Kerensky (who had been Prime Minister of the Provisional Government at the time of the Bolshevik coup in November 1917) looks on impotently. In the foreground are racial and class stereotypes of a Jew with thirty pieces of silver, Asiatic Red Army soldiers with booty, and a sailor symbolising the battleship Aurora’s role in the 1917 Revolution.


18 A Year Proletariat Dictatorship
by Alexander Apsit

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