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Options Counseling Program Survey FY 2011 Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission August 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Options Counseling Program Survey FY 2011 Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission August 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Options Counseling Program Survey FY 2011 Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission August 2011

2 Survey Overview Development and Administration Results Service delivery Program outcomes Service barriers

3 Survey Development & Administration Survey Service Delivery -- questions 1-5 Program Outcomes – questions 6 & 7 Barriers to remaining at home or returning home – items – Q7.B1 & Q7.D.1 Seven questions printed double-sided on a single legal size sheet. Procedure Consumers are asked to participate in survey at follow-up call, which occurs 30 days after final counseling session. Respondents are given 10 days to return survey to EOEA or on-line web based version.

4 Results Data Reduction Completed mail surveys are entered into web based software ongoing Records consist of surveys completed from mid-July 2010 through June 2011 Survey submission 227 returned surveys

5 Survey Distribution by ADRC

6 Survey Respondent – I am: Respondents represent 97 municipalities Primarily someone who contacted the program on behalf of another followed by the person in need of long term support.

7 1. Do you think the counselor understood your needs in your current situation? Based on 225 respondents Overall, 96% of the respondents reported that the counselor understood their needs

8 2. Did the counselor give you information about specific programs and services that might be available? Based on 225 respondents Overall, 95% indicated information about specific programs and services were provided to them by the counselors.

9 3. Did the counselor give you information about where to call to find out about these programs and services? Based on 217 respondents 92% answered positively that they received information about where to call to access programs and services

10 4. Did the counselor give you information about covering the cost for services you may need? Based on 221 respondents 83% answered affirmatively that they received information about cost

11 5. Did the counselor give you information about programs and services that were new to you? Based on 224 respondents 85% reported that the information was new

12 6. Have you, (or the person you were calling for), made any changes in how or where you receive your services since talking with the counselor? Based on 222 respondents 50% reported that they had made changes 50% reported that they had not made changes

13 7. We would like to know where you were located when you first spoke with the counselor and where you are located now. Location at onset of Counseling Location After Counseling HomeHospital Rehab facility Nursing Home Total Home 121 112135121 Hospital 10 901010 Rehabilitation Facility 31 2604131 Nursing Home 21 1500621 Total 183 1621812183 88.5%0.5%4.4%6.6% 100.0%

14 7.A1 Was going into a nursing home one of the options you were considering? Based on 112 respondents who were at home when first spoke with the counselor and still at home at the time of the survey 74% did not consider a nursing home an option. 26% were considering a nursing home.

15 7.A2 Do you think that the information and support helped you remain at home? Based on 112 respondents who were at home at the onset of counseling and remained at home 81% or 4 out of 5 respondents indicated that the information/support helped them to remain at home

16 7.C Did the information and support the counselor gave you help you to leave the facility and return home? Based on 50 respondents who were in a nursing home, rehabilitation setting or hospital at the onset of counseling and who were now at home 86% responded positively that the information/support helped them to return home.

17 Comments 138 comments statewide Most were very positive and expressed thanks for the counseling service: The counselor ”opened up whole new possibilities for me.”

18 Contact Information: Rachel Weiner Director of Options Counseling One Ashburton Place, 5 th Floor Boston, MA 02108 617-222-7478

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