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THE UNKNOWN PAGES OF OUR TOWN To the 375-anyversary of Tambov town origin Учитель английского языка МАОУ лицей №28 г. Тамбова Полянская Н.В.

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Presentation on theme: "THE UNKNOWN PAGES OF OUR TOWN To the 375-anyversary of Tambov town origin Учитель английского языка МАОУ лицей №28 г. Тамбова Полянская Н.В."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE UNKNOWN PAGES OF OUR TOWN To the 375-anyversary of Tambov town origin Учитель английского языка МАОУ лицей №28 г. Тамбова Полянская Н.В.

2 Contest 1. Some interesting facts of history of the town 2. Famous people of Russia in Tambov 3. Tambov now and then


4 It is a photo of railway station in Tambov of the beginning of 20th century. At first sight you can’t see anything outstanding, such stations were at each large railway junction in pre-revolutionary Russia. But at this station the march "Farewell of the Slavyanka" for the first time has sounded.

5 Certainly, it is a legend, and in this case, as well as with the first legend, it is impossible to find any documents, both confirming, and denying it.

6 And the station - live history, exists till now, the same. And not only the station, but also buildings around it all have remained. There lives the spirit of that time and the historical colour accompanying performance of a military orchestra of Agapkin

7 Agapkin Vasily Ivanovich 03.02.1884 – 29.10.1964

8 In 1906 Agapkin was 22. He had been called in army and after three-year service had decided to study music. In 1906 Agapkin was 22. He had been called in army and after three-year service had decided to study music. To enter Tambov musical school well- known in the country, Vasily Agapkin came to Tambov and on January, 12th, 1910 had been enlisted by the staff-trumpeter of the 7th spare cavalry regiment. To enter Tambov musical school well- known in the country, Vasily Agapkin came to Tambov and on January, 12th, 1910 had been enlisted by the staff-trumpeter of the 7th spare cavalry regiment.

9 As the patriot and musician Vasily Agapkin had his own way how to respond events on the Balkans and in the end of 1912 had written a march which named «Farewell of the Slavyanka». The author said that the march was devoted to the women- Slavs who were seeing off the sons, husbands and brothers on saicred protection of the Native land. As the patriot and musician Vasily Agapkin had his own way how to respond events on the Balkans and in the end of 1912 had written a march which named «Farewell of the Slavyanka». The author said that the march was devoted to the women- Slavs who were seeing off the sons, husbands and brothers on saicred protection of the Native land.

10 Use your imagination, and you can easily plunge into atmosphere of that time, a century ago. The Same building of the Tambov station, but other surroundings, and public on platform, military and civilian, dressed on a fashion of the left epoch, chilly muffling up in the coats on a cold autumn wind.

11 And the strict military orchestra executing a new march, despite of cold weather. And you are present there, standing in a crowd of spectators, with great attention for the first time hear exciting sounds of music, and think of the destiny of Russia and about the future...

12 Vasily Agapkin was buried in Moscow on the Vagankovsky cemetery. «The Conductor-composer, colonel Vasily Ivanovich Agapkin. 1884–1964»

13 After serfdom fell, Tambov has turned to a typical merchant city. The Ryazano-Ural railway made a big push in its development in 1869. It conducted to revival of trade in a city and the metalcutting enterprises.

14 Colourful fairs took place on this place many years ago. Now on the area near the station there is a remarkable square and the whole cascade of fountains. Here quite often it is possible to meet a newly-married couple just registered the marriage.

15 The plaster monument to I. V. Stalin, was on the area Near the station to the middle of 1950. Then it was reconstructed and now there is a beautiful fountain.

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