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Notification + Yang-push Meeting #2 3 - May- 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Notification + Yang-push Meeting #2 3 - May- 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notification + Yang-push Meeting #2 3 - May- 2016

2 Today’s Topics Names & Git Repositories – Name for each draft, Git user IDs Terminology – Go over strawman so that we can communicate. Links to past terms. We won’t use all. Open Topics (address some during the week) – We started good discussions already on email. We need to progress them, but not on a call. Other topics?

3 Draft, document, and issue repository YANG Datastore Pushyang-push Subscriptions for Event Notificationsrfc5277bis Netconf Transport for Event Notificationsnotif-netconf Restconf Transport for Event Notificationsnotif-restconf Is this still a bis?

4 Github Identities Andy Bierman – abierman (#1810575) Sharon Chisholm – chiz99 (##18471557) Alexander Clemm – alexclemm (#7389695) Einar Nilsen-Nygaard – einarnn (#5408368) Yan Gang - Alberto Gonzalez Prieto – AlbertoGonzalezPrieto (#18746375) Hector Trevino – Ambika Prasad Tripathy – ambtripa (##19171285) Eric Voit – ericvoit (#14643104) Kent Watsen – kwatsen (#2255354) Guangying Zheng (Walker) –

5 Strawman Term Subtyping Filter Event Notification Update Notification Subscription Dynamic Subscription Static Subscription Data Node Filter Update Record Filter Data Node Security Filter Event Stream Update Stream Generic Datastore specific

6 Strawman Terms Page 1 TermDefinitionSource (and deviations) Data NodeAn instance of management information in a datastore. Effectively the same as 6020. But 6020 uses terms not contextually relevant here: “A node in the schema tree that can be instantiated in a data tree. One of container, leaf, leaf-list, list, and anyxml.” Data Node Filter A Filter which removes Update Records from an Update Notification as per policy within the Subscription. Data Node Security Filter A Filter which removes Update Records from an Update Notification as per the permissions of the Receiver. Data Node Update A data item containing the current value/property of a Data Node at the time the Data Node Update was created. Dynamic Subscription A Subscription negotiated between Subscriber and Publisher via create, establish, modify, and delete RPC control plane signaling messages. Superset of 5277 definition of “Subscription”: “An agreement and method to receive event notifications over a NETCONF session. A concept related to the delivery of notifications (if there are any to send) involving destination and selection of notifications. It is bound to the lifetime of a session.” DatastoreA conceptual store of instantiated information, with individual data items represented by Data Nodes which are arranged in hierarchical manner. Does not conflict with 6241. If needful, we could adopt this text “A conceptual place to store and access information. A datastore might be implemented, for example, using files, a database, flash memory locations, or combinations thereof.” AI: Kent to sent out opstate datastore definitions (we should adopt) AI: Sharon, Alex, Hector, to work Dynamic Subscription definitions AI: multiple receivers per subscription, or a group of subscriptions pushing the same Event Stream

7 Strawman Terms Page 2 TermDefinitionSource (and deviations) Event An occurrence of something that may be of interest. (e.g., a configuration change, a fault, a change in status, crossing a threshold, status of a flow, or an external input to the system.) Effectively the same as 5277 “Event” “An event is something that happens that may be of interest - a configuration change, a fault, a change in status, crossing a threshold, or an external input to the system, for example. Often, this results in an asynchronous message, sometimes referred to as a notification or event notification, being sent to interested parties to notify them that this event has occurred.” Event Notification A set of information intended for a Receiver indicating that one or more Event(s) have occurred. Details of the Event(s) may be included within the Notification. Somewhat embedded within the 5277 “Event” description see above Event StreamAn ongoing, ordered set of Event Notifications grouped under an explicit criteria. Superset of 5277 definition of “Stream” “An event stream is a set of event notifications matching some forwarding criteria and available to NETCONF clients for subscription.” AI: differentiate log from stream

8 Strawman Terms Page 3 TermDefinitionSource (and deviations) FilterMatch criteria which may be applied against an Event Stream. Superset of 5277 definition of “Filter” “A parameter that indicates which subset of all possible events are of interest. A filter is defined as one or more filter elements [NETCONF], each of which identifies a portion of the overall filter” Publisher An entity responsible for streaming Event Notifications per the terms of a Subscription. (within NETCONF role, this is NETCONF Server.) Receiver A target to which a Publisher pushes Event Notifications. For Dynamic Subscriptions, the Receiver and Subscriber will often be the same entity. Static Subscription A Subscription installed via a configuration interface. Subscriber An entity able to request and negotiate a contract for the receipt of Event Notifications from a Publisher Subscription A contract between a Subscriber and a Publisher stipulating which information the Receiver wishes to have pushed from the Publisher without the need for further solicitation. Superset of 5277 “Subscription”: An agreement and method to receive event notifications over a NETCONF session. A concept related to the delivery of notifications (if there are any to send) involving destination and selection of notifications. It is bound to the lifetime of a session. Subscription Policy A policy that specifies under what circumstances to create an Event Notification. AI: fix Subscription Policy AI: Do we keep this supertype?

9 Strawman Terms Page 4 TermDefinitionSource (and deviations) Update Notification An Event Notification including those Data Node Update(s) to be pushed in order to meet the obligations of a single Subscription. All included Data Node Updates must reflect the state of a Datastore at the timestamp the Update Notification was generated. Update Record A representation of a Data Node Update as a data record. An Update Record can be included as part of an Update Stream. It can also be logged for retrieval. In general, an Update Record will include the value/property of a Data Node. It may also include information about the type of Data Node Update, i.e. whether the data node was modified/updated, or newly created, or deleted. Update Record Filter A Filter which selects Update Notifications of interest per the policy of a Subscription. Update Stream A conceptual Event Stream that streams the contents of an entire Datastore continuously and perpetually. Update TriggerA trigger, as specified by a Subscription Policy, that determines when a Data Node Update is to be communicated. (e.g., a change trigger, invoked when the value of a Data Node changes or a data node is created or deleted, or a time trigger, invoked after the laps of a periodic time interval.)

10 Sub-discussions for the Week Who wants to be involved in which areas? Streams! (What is a Stream, multi-stream per sub?) – Kent, Eric to start thread Balancing Augment vs. Parallel Model structures – Alex to start thread… Scoping what is in & out beyond last week’s slide. – IN?: GPB? CBOR? YANG Payload Compression? OID compression for YANG? – Out?: IDS, Harder filters (e.g., Thresholds), COAP, IPFIX – Coverage of Andy’s previous documents in effort

11 Backup

12 Subscriptions for Event Notifications (Base Subscription Draft) Support for many subscriptions / transport Dynamic & Static state machines Stream discovery New stream types (syslog?) Authorization model per stream RFC5277 & XPATH filters RPCs: Establish, modify, delete Error responses (under error-info?) Notifications: started, suspended, resumed, terminated, modified YANG Datastore Push (includes functions above Base Subscription Draft): Datastore on-change and periodic triggers YANG filters per RFC6241 Authorization model per object NETCONF Transport for Event Notifications Transport mapping 5277 mode RESTCONF Transport for Event Notifications Transport mappings (incl. HTTP2) Subscriber/receiver different Heartbeats and clean-up Subscription to HTTP2 stream Out of Scope/future: dynamic stream creation, new undefined filter types Strawman Functional Partitioning Context (more details on authors’ mental model) Negotiation Stream configuration & stuff Data Plane Notification 5277 mode & YANG model Multiple static receivers Replay (by Stream type) Prioritization Monitoring Push-update, Push- change-update New stream types & stuff

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