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The Five Physiographic Provinces of Virginia. The Five Provinces.

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1 The Five Physiographic Provinces of Virginia


3 The Five Provinces

4 Virginia is divided into 5 provinces based on their geologic formations.

5 After looking at the first few slides, how many of the provinces can you name? Do you know in which province we live?

6 Did you know? VA has a billion-year long tectonic geologic historyVA has a billion-year long tectonic geologic history There are three different types of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous) that are all formed by different processes.There are three different types of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous) that are all formed by different processes. All three types of rocks are found in Virginia, meaning that many different things have happened in Virginia’s pastAll three types of rocks are found in Virginia, meaning that many different things have happened in Virginia’s past

7 Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary— formed by particles of eroded rocks being pressed and cemented togetherSedimentary— formed by particles of eroded rocks being pressed and cemented together

8 Igneous Rock Igneous— formed by cooling magma either within or above earth’s crustIgneous— formed by cooling magma either within or above earth’s crust

9 Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic— formed by subjecting any existing rock to extreme heat and/or pressureMetamorphic— formed by subjecting any existing rock to extreme heat and/or pressure

10 1. Coastal Plain

11 The Coastal Plain Flat area with young unconsolidated sediments that were washed toward the coast as the Appalachian Mountains were eroded (VA Beach came from WVA!)Flat area with young unconsolidated sediments that were washed toward the coast as the Appalachian Mountains were eroded (VA Beach came from WVA!)

12 The Coastal Plain runs from the fall line on the west, to the Atlantic Ocean on the east It is a terraced landscapeIt is a terraced landscape

13 Sand, silt and clay produced by erosion of the Appalachian Mts. covers the plainSand, silt and clay produced by erosion of the Appalachian Mts. covers the plain As sea levels rose and fell, fossils were left at various layersAs sea levels rose and fell, fossils were left at various layers

14 2. Piedmont

15 The Piedmont Largest province in Virginia.Largest province in Virginia. This is where we live!This is where we live!

16 Facts about the Va. Piedmont It is an area of rolling hills underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rock.It is an area of rolling hills underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rock. These ancient volcanic rocks were left behind by the Taconic OrogenyThese ancient volcanic rocks were left behind by the Taconic Orogeny

17 Mining the Piedmont High quality slate is mined from this areaHigh quality slate is mined from this area The Piedmont has one of the worlds largest kyanite minesThe Piedmont has one of the worlds largest kyanite mines

18 3. Blue Ridge Mountains

19 The Blue Ridge It is a high ridge that separates the Piedmont from the Valley & Ridge ProvinceIt is a high ridge that separates the Piedmont from the Valley & Ridge Province

20 Blue Ridge Facts The billion year old igneous and metamorphic rocks are the oldest in the state!The billion year old igneous and metamorphic rocks are the oldest in the state!

21 Ready for a Quick Review? 1. Which province is known for having layers of fossils? 2. Which province is the largest? 3. Which province has the oldest rocks? 4. Which province has slate and kyanite mines?

22 Let’s see how you did! 1. Coastal Plain 2. Piedmont 3. Blue Ridge 4. Piedmont

23 4. Valley and Ridge Province

24 Valley and Ridge This is an area of long parallel ridges and valleys underlain by ancient folded and faulted sedimentary rocksThis is an area of long parallel ridges and valleys underlain by ancient folded and faulted sedimentary rocks

25 Valley and Ridge The long parallel ridges and valleys were formed by the collision of North America with Africa about 290 mya (produced the Appalachian Mtns!)The long parallel ridges and valleys were formed by the collision of North America with Africa about 290 mya (produced the Appalachian Mtns!)

26 Cambrian fossil algal structures are found in the V&R Province

27 Limestone outcrops are common in the Valley and Ridge Province

28 This area is also famous for Karst What does karst mean?What does karst mean?

29 Sink holes!

30 Caverns!

31 So what is karst? Karst is an irregular limestone region with sinks, underground streams, and cavernsKarst is an irregular limestone region with sinks, underground streams, and caverns The Valley and Ridge Province is famous for its caverns, can you name one?The Valley and Ridge Province is famous for its caverns, can you name one?

32 5. Appalachian Plateau

33 The Appalachian Plateau This area has rugged, irregular topography and is underlain by ancient, flat-lying sedimentary rocks.This area has rugged, irregular topography and is underlain by ancient, flat-lying sedimentary rocks. It is made up of a series of plateaus separated by faultsIt is made up of a series of plateaus separated by faults

34 Appalachian Plateau Facts Do you notice any thing in these layers?Do you notice any thing in these layers?

35 COAL!

36 Virginia Coal Most of Virginia's coal is found in the Appalachian Plateau.Most of Virginia's coal is found in the Appalachian Plateau. These old sedimentary rocks contain many fossils and tons of coal.These old sedimentary rocks contain many fossils and tons of coal.

37 Virginia Fossils Fossils in Virginia include various marine organisms like clams, scallops, sharks teeth, and other hard remainsFossils in Virginia include various marine organisms like clams, scallops, sharks teeth, and other hard remains

38 Virginia Fossils Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic fossils are found in VirginiaPaleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic fossils are found in Virginia

39 Virginia Fossils You can find fossils in 3 of the 5 provinces.You can find fossils in 3 of the 5 provinces. The three provinces that you find fossils are: Coastal Plain, Valley & Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau.The three provinces that you find fossils are: Coastal Plain, Valley & Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau. Why? Because these are the only ones with sedimentary rocks, and fossils are only found in sedimentary rocks!Why? Because these are the only ones with sedimentary rocks, and fossils are only found in sedimentary rocks!

40 So what caused all this? Tectonic forces:Tectonic forces: –Compression caused by convergent plates –Rifting caused by divergent plates –Shearing caused by transform faults All three forces have acted upon Virginia in its geologic history!

41 VA’s history is marked by 3 separate mountain building episodes called “orogenies” 1.Taconic Orogeny — Ordovician Period about 450 mya; N America collides w/a string of islands 2.Acadian Orogeny — Devonian Period about 380 mya; N America collides w/Europe forms Catskill Mtns of New York

42 3. Alleghanian Orogeny — Carboniferous Period about 300 mya; N America collides w/Africa --final mountain building episode of the Appalachian Mountains **When formed, the Appalachian Mountains would have looked like the Rockies or Alps, but they have been eroding for 300 millions years—so they are much smaller now!

43 Let’s see how you do on this 8 question quiz. Ready? Here we go!

44 Questions! 1.Which province is covered by sand, silt and clay? 2.Which province has Cambrian algal fossils? 3. This province has a terraced landscape.

45 4. Which province is underlain by ancient,flat-lying sedimentary rocks? 5. This province has rolling hills underlain by ancient rocks. 6. What do we call an irregular limestone region with sink holes and caverns?

46 7. Which province is at the most western part of the state? (province #5 ) (province #5 ) 8. Which province is famous for coal?

47 How did you do? Get ready and we’ll check your answersGet ready and we’ll check your answers Ready?Ready?

48 The Answers 1. Coastal Plain 2. Valley and Ridge Ridge 3. Coastal Plain 4. Appalachian Plateau Plateau 5. Piedmont 6. Karst 7. Appalachian Plateau Plateau 8. Appalachian Plateau Plateau


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