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Published byNoah Paul Modified over 8 years ago
Page 1Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Overview of the HMA Project OGC TC Opening Plenary Pier Giorgio Marchetti European Space Agency
Page 2Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 2 Overview Context and Objectives Evolution of specifications Test Environment Open Source (and COTS) implementations Conclusion
Page 3Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 What is HMA A collaborative project started by the GSCB in 2005 with the objective To guarantee a seamless and harmonised access to heterogeneous earth observation (EO) datasets from multiple mission ground segments, including national missions and ESA missions. To standardise the ground segment interfaces of the satellite missions for easier access to EO data. To provide interoperability for coordinated data access enabling the interactions with services or Value Adders and EO Contributing Missions.
Page 4Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Why HMA –Increased demand for EO data, of different missions –All EO mission play a vital role in addressing global programmes like GMES and Climate Change –The number of missions needed to establish the necessary observation capacity for critical services is ever growing, –Interoperability is needed to reduce the burden to planners and operators!
Page 5Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 HMA Partners PartnerRole ASI with the support of Thales Alenia Space Cosmo-Skymed CNES with the support of Spot Image Pleiades, Spot CSA with the support of MDARadarsat 2, Radarsat Constellation DLR with the participation of Infoterra GmbH Terrasar EUMETSATMeteo Missions ESAERS,ENVISAT, Sentinels DMCiiDMC EUSCUser EMSAUser
Page 6Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 The Standards Objectives –Facilitate the work of downstream users –Exploit geospatial standards and tools –Rely on industry and market driven approaches The solution – we joined the Open Geospatial Consortium… HMA related standards are the result of contributions from Agencies and users, and the work of 25 companies over 10 countries
Page 7Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Context "HMA": harmonised interfaces to heterogeneous EO missions Being operationally implemented. Common interfaces for discovery, catalogue, ordering, feasibility analysis, metadata
Page 8Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 8 Context HMA based on two track approach: operational implementations and parallel "standardisation and support activities" Standardisation and support activities to: 1.Permit evolution and test of HMA interoperability standards in parallel with operational implementation of EODAIL and interfaces I/F with Partner G/S. 2.Support conformance testing of HMA adopted standards. 3.Support implementation of HMA defined standards by European Institutional Users and geospatial software product developers
Page 9Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 9 Overview Context and Objectives Evolution of specifications Test Environment Open Source and COTS implementations Conclusion
Page 10Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 10 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Information Discovery Information Model –EO Collection Model - ISO19115 Geographic Information Metadata –EO Product Model - ISO19136, OGC07-036 Geography Markup Language –Application Schema for EO Products - OGC 06-080 –EO Sensor Model - Sensor Model Language OGC07-000 –EO Service Model – ISO 19119 Geographic Information Services –Other reference models and alignment of conceptual models: ISO 19156 Geographic Information - Observation and Measurements, INSPIRE Conformance OGC08-197
Page 11Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 11 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Product Catalogue OGC 06-131 Collection Catalogue OGC 07-038 OGC Abstract Specification Topic 13: Catalogue Services OGC Catalogue Services Specification 2.0.2 (OGC07-006) OGC Catalogue Services for the web (CSW) (Chapter 10 of 07-006) ISO Metadata Application Profile of CSW (OGC07-045) ebRIM profile of CSW (OGC07-110) Basic Extension Package (OGC07-144) CIM Extension Package (OGC07-038) EOP Extension Package (OGC06-131) sensorML Extension Package (OGC 09-163)
Page 12Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 EO Extension for SensorML 2.0 SWE Common Data Model 2.0 GML 3.2.1 SensorML 2.0 Slide 12 HMA involvement in OGC specifications OGC 07-018 EO Tasking Extensions for Sensor Planning Service OWS Common 1.2 SWE Service Model 2.0 Sensor Planning Service (SPS) 2.0 EO Tasking Extension for SPS 2.0 SWE Common Data Model 2.0 GML 3.2.1
Page 13Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 13 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Online Data Access –Web Map Service, Web Coverage Service … coverage data WCS WCS-T feature data WFS WFS-T … meta data CS-W CS-T … WCPS FE CQL WMS imagery
Page 14Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 14 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Online Data Access –Web Map Service Profile for EO Products OGC07-063
Page 15Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 15 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Web Coverage Service GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS (including XML Schema) (OGC 09-146) WCS 2.0 Core (including XML Schema) (OGC 09-110) WCS 2.0 Extension: KVP protocol (OGC 09-147) WCS 2.0 Extension: XML/POST protocol (OGC 09-148) WCS 2.0 Extension: SOAP protocol (OGC 09-149) WCS 2.0 Overview: Core and Extensions (Best Practice) (OGC 09-153
Page 16Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 16 HMA involvement in OGC specifications EO Product Order OGC 06-141 ("aligned" with SPS 2.0) Identity (User) Management OGC 07-118 –Aligned with OASIS standards (ws-security, SAML, ws- trust) and complementary to OASIS' eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
Page 17Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 17 HMA involvement in OGC specifications Methodology for architecture analysis aligned with –RM-ODP ISO10746 –OGC Reference Model OGC08-062 –“GIGAS” Methodology OGC10-028 Other activities –Web Processing Service (to be used for Grid and on demand processing) –Semantic Interoperability and Ontology Mass Market –OpenSearch –KML for Google Earth publishing
Page 18Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 18 Overview Context and Objectives Evolution of specifications Test Environment Open-source (and COTS) implementations Conclusion
Page 19Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 19 Testing Conformance Test Language OGC 06-126 –Now includes support for testing synchronous and asynchronous SOAP interfaces To support the test of HMA-compliant EO interfaces: –Use SSE as persistent testbed –Use open-source conformance test engine from OGC (TEAM engine). Test scripts contributed to OGC CITE SC become open-source Host conformance tests at ESRIN, accessible via public Web pages. Conformance Testing (CITE) developed for –Collection Catalogue - OGC 07-038: CIM Extension Package –Product Catalogue - OGC 06-131: EO Extension Package –User Management - OGC 07-118: User Management for EO
Page 20Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 20 Overview Context and Objectives Evolution of specifications Test Environment Open source (and COTS) Implementations Conclusion
Page 21Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Open Source Open Source Implementations Open source tools are available for discovery (catalogue), WMS, feasibility analysis, identity management, … Up-to-date list of open-source implementations available on HMA Wiki pages
Page 22Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 How changes to the standards are managed on the HMA side The HMA Architecture Working Group - HAWG is in charge of the Configuration Management and the coordination of the HMA standards between several agencies. the HAWG performs two sets of activities: manage the evolution of the standards baseline used within the implementation at ESA and within HMA AWG members prepare the future evolutions and orientations of the HMA standards.
Page 23Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Conclusion HMA related OGC standards have been implemented by various organisations either as open source or COTS Documents describing ongoing work and software available at Evolution is mainly in new areas: –To comply with evolutions of OGC base standards –To address requirements in online data access, processing, semantic interoperability –To address scientific and mass market communities
Page 24Overview of the HMA Project, 8 March 2010 Slide 24 Conclusion More information ? –HMA Wiki –Email
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