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DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 1 New Member Orientation for District Accountability Committee (DAC) for BVSD.

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Presentation on theme: "DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 1 New Member Orientation for District Accountability Committee (DAC) for BVSD."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 1 New Member Orientation for District Accountability Committee (DAC) for BVSD

2 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 2 DAC Materials Every DAC member should have: Yellow spiral bound book entitled, “District Accountability/ Accreditation Notebook 2004- 2005” –This is passed on to you from previous DAC representative from your school Addendums for 2005-2006 Nameplate Extra meeting materials distributed in the folder box DAC communications via e-mail…keep roster updated

3 DAC Member Orietation, Fall 2005 3 Who (Membership) Who (Membership) DAC membership consists of one member representing SIT from each BVSD school “At large” members are usually previous school representatives who wish to continue serving on DAC Principal representative from Elementary and Secondary. Each member serves a 2-year term. District staff and board liaison attend and support DAC, but are not voting members.

4 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 4 What Perform annual school accreditation review Serve on school accreditation site review committees Review budget Tasks as directed by the School Board –DAC is the advisory group for the Board of Education

5 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 5 When / Where BVSD Board Room on 1 st Tuesday of the Month from 6:00-8:30 p.m. or longer –(Sep 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, Mar 7, Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6) Exceptions: School holidays and conflict with extra School Board meetings (2 nd and 4 th Tuesdays) Extra meetings to accommodate annual review schedule –(Oct 18 to pick up reports, Oct 25 to turn in accreditation reviews)

6 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 6 Why Required by State of Colorado law “Each accountability program must be guided by a representative advisory committee which reviews improvement plans, makes recommendations, and reports its progress.” “Make recommendations relative to the prioritization of district expenditures.”

7 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 7 DAC Bylaws Copy of bylaws are in the DAC addendum Every DAC member should read and follow the bylaws…which include DAC attendance policy, membership responsibilities, officer responsibilities and chain of communications.

8 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 8 External Communications A board member will attend DAC meetings and question/answer time is allotted Other than at meetings, communications with the School Board go through the DAC Chair Individuals may certainly communicate with board members, but they may NOT state that they represent the views of DAC Requests for information to staff must be handled by a member of DAC Executive Committee (usually the Subcommittee chairs)

9 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 9 Organization - Officers Officers are elected to 1 year terms Maximum of two successive terms Exception: Chair is a 2-year commitment, serving as chair-elect for 1 year and then as chair Chair – Dina Demara Chair-elect – Paul Atcheson Vice Chair (Membership) – Rob Quinn Secretary – Megen Princehouse Treasurer – Audy Leggere-Hickey

10 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 10 Organization - Subcommittees School Improvement Program Review (SIPR) Revises the process and scoring guides for annual and site reviews. This year, the focus will be on the site review and training processes Budget Reviews the budget process and the budget and co- hosts public budget review with the Superintendent Schools of Choice (SOC) Reviews all charter/focus school applications and renewals

11 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 11 Organization - Subcommittees Communications Focuses on communications paths between SITs/DAC/Board. Working on defining SIT Best Practices Accountable Programs Reviews issues related to curriculum Handles “ad hoc” study requests from the Board

12 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 12 Meetings Subcommittee meetings are generally held from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Full DAC begins with a member introduction and an attendance roster School Board member summary Presentations related to DAC business Round-robin of member issues

13 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 13 DAC Executive Committee DAC Exec is comprised of the officers and subcommittee chairs Meet in Superintendents’ Conference Room on 3 rd Tuesday 11:30-1:00PM (Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 13, Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 23, Jun 20) Set agendas and determine speakers, thereby learning about a lot of district issues in the process Meet with School Board to set annual goals/direction on Sept. 19 from 6-8p.m.

14 DAC New Member Orietation, Fall 2005 14 Next Step Full DAC will be meeting for training on this year’s annual review process Questions?

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