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School Governors in England Dr Paul Cammack December 2015.

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1 School Governors in England Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

2 The Governing Body – Powers and Duties  Strategic planning  With the School senior staff, set plans for the school including aims, objectives and targets;  ‘Critical Friend’,  support the School Management Team  ask challenging questions about their management of the school and the school’s overall performance and targets;  Accountability and responsiblity  explaining actions and decisions to all School stakeholders three statutory roles of a School Governing Body are: Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

3 The Governing Body – Core Responsibilities (1)  Standards  promoting high standards of educational achievement, attendance and behaviour  review of performance data  Targets  setting targets by which progress for pupil achievement and outcomes can be measured  Curriculum  ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum for all learners  ensuring that all statutory requirements are met  Setting aims, policies and priorities  School Development Plan,  School Self-Evaluation  statutory policies and documents  Staffing  the number of staff,  the pay policy  staff appointments  suspension, disciplinary issues and dismissal, grievances  performance management Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

4 The Governing Body – Core Responsibilities (2)  Finance  Setting and monitoring the school’s budget  Providing information regarding the School  Annual Report to parents  meetings with parents  information for inspectors  Inspection  preparation and follow up  Wellbeing and safeguarding of learners  safety of learners  promotion of healthy eating  avoiding the dangers of extremism  equality and fairness for all learners and workers in school  Evaluation of the performance of the governing body Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

5 The Composition of School Governing Bodies  Head teacher  Parent Governors - elected by parents  Teacher Governors - elected by teachers  Staff Governors - elected by non-teaching staff  Local Authority – appointed by the local government  Foundation Governors or Community Governors - invited by other Governors to join the Governing Body Community  Plus a Clerk (not a governor) Size of the Governing Body depends on size of the School – from 21 to 9 Governors Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

6 Expectations of Governors  to attend Governors Meetings  to spend time supporting the school  School functions and events  visiting the school during the day to see the school in action  to attend training courses  School Data Training  Chairs Training (for Chairmen)  other training courses  Governors serve for four years  Governors are unpaid Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

7 How meetings work Full Governors’ Meeting  three times a year (minimum)  between 1½ and 2 hours in length  Typical agenda items will include:  Headteacher’s Report,  School Self Evaluation Report,  Committee Reports,  School Data and Performance. Committee Meetings Smaller meetings of committees met more often Staffing committee curriculum committee Health and Safety Finance committee etc Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

8 School Governance / School Management School Governance Governing Body helps develop long-term plans with the Headteacher and School Management Team. Governors approve the School Development Plan Governors act at Strategic Level - not involved in daily running of the school Governing Body monitors how well the plans are going and what impact they are having School Management The Headteacher manages the School Headteacher is responsible for the internal day-to-day organisation, management and control of the school Headteacher implements the Strategic Framework approved by the Governing Body. Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

9 Strategic Planning Key elements of school strategic plans: School’s Mission Statement School Development Plan School Improvement Plan Inspection Action Plan Statutory requirements School performance and target-setting: governing bodies set key stage performance targets Governors’ annual report: sets out the school’s progress since the last annual report Performance Management: of Headteachers and teachers by linking review procedures and individuals’ objectives to whole-school priorities, as set out in the school’s improvement plan (SIP) School Development Plans (SDP): three year strategic plan for improvement (more on next slide) Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

10 School Development Plans (SDP) School Development Plans (SDP): three year strategic plan for improvement informed by self-evaluation of school performance and contextual data (eg national test results, inspection report etc Governing Bodies must revise it annually include a summary of the plan in their Annual Report Identifies school’s improvement priorities short and long term targets plan for how to achieve targets used for all staff and governors to reflect upon and improve their work. Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

11 List of Statutory Policies and Documents  Admissions Policy;  Charging Policy;  Child Protection Policy;  Complaints Procedure;  Curriculum Policy;  Data Protection Policy;  Equality Policy;  Health and Safety Policy;  Pay Policy;  Performance Management Policy;  Pupil Discipline Policy (including Anti- Bullying);  School Session Times;  Sex Education Policy;  Special Educational Needs Policy;  Staff Discipline, Conduct, Capability and Grievance Procedure;  Accessibility Plan;  Action Plan following an Inspection;  Careers Education;  Freedom of Information Publication Scheme;  Governors’ Allowances (Schemes for Payments);  Governors’ Annual Report to Parents;  Home – School Agreements;  Instrument of Government;  Minutes of and Papers considered at meetings of the Governing Body and its committees;  School Prospectus;  Register of Pupils;  Register of Business Interests of Headteachers and Governors;  Target-Setting for Schools;  Transition Plans Dr Paul Cammack December 2015

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