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Population Pyramids How to analyze. Population pyramids give lots of information Total population of a country Broken down in age groups of 4 years (

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Presentation on theme: "Population Pyramids How to analyze. Population pyramids give lots of information Total population of a country Broken down in age groups of 4 years ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Pyramids How to analyze

2 Population pyramids give lots of information Total population of a country Broken down in age groups of 4 years ( cohort groups) i.e. age 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19 etc… Divides population by gender Shows average life expectancy Shows how many die in each age group

3 Canada Population Pyramid for 2005 Age and sex distribution for the year 2005:

4 Types of Pyramids Different countries will have different shaped pyramids. The pyramids are different due to the different standards of living each country has.

5 Early Expanding ( 3 rd world country)

6 Early Expanding Characteristics Poverty an extreme challenge Many babies dying early ( lack of proper food, medical attention, poor hygiene, polluted water) Many births, but many dying as well. Top of pyramid very narrow…low life expectancy Struggle to survive day to day. Note: Pointy peak, wide bottom, classic pyramid shape

7 Expanding

8 Expanding Characteristics Poverty still a challenge, but not as bad as early expanding. Births still high, but not as high. Living standards are improving. Proper diet still lacking, but better than early expanding. Note: still has a classic- pyramid shape

9 Stable

10 Stable Characteristics Birth rates dropping off…bottom is narrower. Poverty for many, but a middle-class is developing. Food supply is adequate Healthcare improving Life-expectancy is getting higher Note: Pyramid-shape is shifting to more rectangular- shape.

11 Contracting ( 1 st world country)

12 Contracting Characteristics Income evenly distributed…strong economy. Healthcare is available to all and is modernized. Food supply stable. Life-expectancy is high. Birth-rate almost the same as death-rate. (= zero population growth) Note: Pyramid shape is almost more a rectangle

13 Compare all 4

14 A Planet Divided The “Haves” and the “Have Nots”















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