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Minimum = 3. Book with ONE author Cranse, Jamie. My Dad. New York: Dell, 1999. A.

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Presentation on theme: "Minimum = 3. Book with ONE author Cranse, Jamie. My Dad. New York: Dell, 1999. A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minimum = 3

2 Book with ONE author

3 Cranse, Jamie. My Dad. New York: Dell, 1999. A

4 Cranse, Jamie. My Dad. New York: Dell, 1999.  Lines are skipped  Punctuation is correct  All info. is correct. A

5 Book with TWO or THREE authors

6 Dean, Fare and Cathy Ireland. The Chosen. New York: Dell, 2001. Almost identical (second and third authors are NOT reversed) B

7 A work in an Anthology - Separate authors in one book

8 Frank, Tony. “Drug Truth.” Boston: Penguin, 2001. Taking Sides: Drugs. Ed. Sarah Jones. 453- 474. C

9 Boston: Dell, 2001. Ed. Sarah Jones. 453-474. Frank, Tony. “Drug Truth.” Taking Sides: Drugs.  Correct author  Editor placement C

10 Article in a scholarly journal

11 Hanks, Patrick. “Myths of Asia.” 111 (2000): Journal of Asian Studies 48-53. D

12 Article in a Newspaper

13 Thomas, Evan. “R.F.K. The Story.” 14 Aug. 2000: Newsweek A1 (+). E

14 Article in a Magazine

15 Mehta, Pratap. “Exploding Myths.” Aug. 2000: New Republic 48-56. F

16 Website!

17 “City Profile.” CNN.comCable News Network. 2002 20 Feb 2009. G

18 Keep your three controls in mind Research topic Italy Controls Economy Religion Art

19 Direct quote from author


21 Direct Quote must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. Must be surrounded by “quote marks” They must match the source document word for word and must be cited.

22 Economy A 1 “Many jobs can be found in the inner cities, but with Italy’s aging population, jobs are everywhere.” 75

23 Careers A 1 “Many jobs can be found in the inner cities, but with America’s aging population, jobs are everywhere.” 75  ONE idea per card  Have your three controls in mind!  Good control  Accurate cite  Correct page #

24 Paraphrase

25 putting a passage from source into your own words. A paraphrase must also be cited. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage.

26 Art B3 During the Roman Empire, Italy was the center of an artistic culture. In some periods Italy was the most artistically advanced country in Europe.. 88

27 Education B3 Recent studies show that future teachers will no longer be in school four years after high school, but five – the extra time come in internships. 88  Accurate summary  All else the same

28 Quote NOT from author

29 Benefits B2 “The greatest love one will have is for the teachers we remember.” 75 Gretta Garbo said,  Person who said quote  All else the same

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