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 Read and Discuss: “Body Ritual of the Nacirema”  Get to Know YOU:  Three Lies and a Truth and/or answer list.  Amber Case: We Are All Cyborgs Now.

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Presentation on theme: " Read and Discuss: “Body Ritual of the Nacirema”  Get to Know YOU:  Three Lies and a Truth and/or answer list.  Amber Case: We Are All Cyborgs Now."— Presentation transcript:

1  Read and Discuss: “Body Ritual of the Nacirema”  Get to Know YOU:  Three Lies and a Truth and/or answer list.  Amber Case: We Are All Cyborgs Now  An introduction to Anthropology Chapters 1-5 select material.

2 Please read Chapter 3 and 4 by Friday/Monday’s classes. Next Class: Traditional Assignment: Key Terms etc.

3 “We are all cyborgs now”  View  Discuss  Create two questions/points of discussion  Whiteboard  Class Journal: Video and Ch1


5 Intro to Anthropology

6 WHAT IS ANTHROPOLOGY A.The study of the origins, development, and contemporary variations of all humans who have existed anywhere on earth B.A discipline that spans the gap between the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences C.An attempt to understand the human condition D.

7 A very diverse four-field of study comprised of physical anthropology, archaeology, anthropological linguistics, and cultural anthropology E.While most departments have been organized around the four field concept, a growing number of anthropologists are wanting to divide the discipline into four distinct sub- disciplines.

8 Ethnocentrism 1.The belief that one’s own culture is most desirable and superior to all others 2.No society has a monopoly on ethnocentrism 3.Most people raised in a single culture and never learn another, so their ways of life seems to be the most natural 4.Becoming aware of our own ethnocentrism allows us to temporarily set aside our own value judgments in order to learn how other cultures operate

9 Cultural Relativism 1.Early anthropologists recognized a need for dispassionate and objective descriptions of the people they were studying 2.Cultural relativism is the notion that any part of a culture must be viewed in its proper cultural context rather than from the viewpoint of the observer’s culture 3.

10 Rejects the notion that any culture, including our own, possesses a set of absolute standards by which all other cultures can be judged 4.There are both methodological and ethical limitations to cultural relativism The Emic (insider view) and Etic (outsider view) Approaches

11 CONTRIBUTIONS OF ANTHROPOLOGY A.Examines all aspects of humanity during all periods of time in all parts of the world B.Integrate the various disciplines dealing with human physiology and culture C.Enhances international/cross-cultural understanding D.Corrective to deterministic thinking EProvides a unique perspective on the study of globalization F.Allows us to learn about human nature based on cross- cultural analysis G.Helps us to better understand ourselves H.Gives a fuller understanding of other cultures I.Serves as a bridge to personal development

12  ethnocentrism  ethnography  archaeology  physical anthropology  cultural anthropology  cultural relativism  etic approach  emic approach

13 Chapter 3 Cultural Anthropology- Nanda & Warms

14  E.O. Wilson’s Theory of Altruism: a scientist reverses/changes their stance on evolution.  Love as Adaptation  Naked Truth: subcultures

15  Ethnocentrism  Etic  Emic

16 A. What is Ethnography?  Gathering, interpretation of info based on INTENSIVE, FIRSTHAND, study of a particular culture OR the written report of this study (derived from firsthand observation and study). 1. What is the data obtained used for?  Build and test hypotheses about cultural processes

17 2. What are the limitations on Ethnography in laboratory settings?  Factors may not be controlled  An anthropologist cannot create things just to see what would happen

18 B. Fieldwork: The first hand-systematic exploration of a society 1. What is Participant-Observation?  Fieldwork that gathers data by observing people’s behavior and participating in their lives.  The goal is to gather as much information as possible about a particular culture  The Anthropologist observe, listen to, and ask questions of the natives they study  Participation facilitates an understanding of the difference between what people say and what they actually do

19 2.What else constitutes fieldwork (consider implications for your IA)?  Photography and filming  Mapping space  Recording life histories*  Using historical archives

20 3. In what ways is a holistic perspecti ve developed through fieldwork?  Culture is seen as a system of interrelated patterns.  The emic and etic perspectives are both used  Understand from within and comparatively

21 4. What, ideally, is gained from the direct study of human beings? Accurate data is provided by a Consultant, a Key Consultant (a person that is knowledgeable about his or her culture-an insider- who provides a great deal of information), Informants help to create a Genealogy: family history/chart of family relationships

22 1. Fieldwork : info gained intensive fieldwork: first hand study.  Participant Observation  Photography/Film  Mapping Space  Record Personal Histories  Historical Archives

23 2. How is Ethnography done?  Holistic Study: take many perspectives/views on subject  Accurate: multiple perspectives give best view  Consultant: insider view helps gather information  Key Consultant: Key source of information, reliable, regular interaction  Genealogy: study of family/kinship

24 1. Origins: 19 th Century w/ Western Civ global expansion/colonization.  Done by amateurs: missionaries, soldiers, travellers, explorers during their journey to remote areas of the world.  Avatar/Dances with Wolves  They observed small scale, simple, homogeneous societies  Placed “other” societies on a scale that descended from Western Civilization.  Armchair Anthropologists: no fieldwork-derive from amateurs

25 2. Early 20 th Century (1900-1940s)  Franz Boas: primary influence on American anthropology  Rejected social darwinism  His view: to understand a culture, you must do fieldwork.  He produced an enormous amount of date (Pacific NW Native Americans)  Culture is a product of history


27 2. Bronislaw Malinowski  Anthropologists goal to obtain native point of view (POV)  Studied Trobriand—Papua, New Guinea  Firsthand fieldwork can think/feel/behave as a native.


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