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BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H The Right to Food Rights Based Perspective of Hunger.

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2 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H The Right to Food Rights Based Perspective of Hunger Reduction Brot für die Welt – Indonesia Partner Meeting Bogor November 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Martin Remppis Brot für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1, 10115 Berlin,

3 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Hunger

4 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Hunger 2.200 kcal / day Balanced Food Intake: Carbohydrates Proteines Fat Micro-Nutrients (Minerals, Vitamines, etc.) Water Food - a Human Need:

5 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Dimensions of Hunger Worldwide 805 Million people suffer from chronic hunger approx. 25.000 die of hunger every day thereof 16.000 children, one child dies of hunger every 5 th second > 2900 2300-2900 < 2300 Average Calorie Consumption per Habitant and Day Hunger

6 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Source: FAO – The State of Food Insecurity 2013 Regional Trends of Hunger Hunger

7 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Indonesia Hunger Indonesia 35,9 38,3 42,7 32,3 21,6 -39,8 19,7 18,1 18,7 13,4 8,7 -56,2

8 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H New figures every September download under: Hunger

9 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Who are the Hungry? Hunger

10 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Who are the Hungry? 1)More rural poor suffer from hunger than urban poor Hunger

11 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Who are the Hungry? Source: Background Paper of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Hunger 1)More rural poor suffer from hunger than urban poor Hunger

12 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Who are the Hungry? 2) Women and girls are much more affected by hunger than men and boys Hunger

13 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H 3) Social exclusion is a main reason for hunger Who are the Hungry? Hunger

14 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Child labour Who are the Hungry? 3) Social exclusion is a main reason for hunger Hunger

15 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H 4)Those who have limited self-help capacity suffer from hunger first Who are the Hungry? Hunger

16 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Who are the Hungry? 1)More rural poor suffer from hunger than urban poor 2)Women and girls are much more affected by hunger than men and boys 3)Discriminated people (indigenous people, minorities...) Social exclusion is a main reason for hunger 4)Those who have limited self-help capacity (elderly people, people with disabilities etc.) suffer from hunger first Hunger

17 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H 1)Limited access to natural resources (land, water, seeds) 2)Impact of unfair agricultural policy and agricultural trade 3)Un-sustainable land use 4)Climate Change 5)Post-Harvest Losses 6)Governmental measures suffer from inefficiency and corruption Reasons for Hunger Hunger

18 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Additional Burden since 2008: Volatility of Staple Food Prices Reasons: Increase of World Population Negligence of Agriculture in Many Developing Countries Price-Dumping of Industrialised Countries damaged Agriculture in Developing Countries Disasters (Draughts, Floods, Cyclones) Volatility of Oil-Price Changing Consumption in “Emerging Markets” Bio-Fuel Production Finance-Speculation FAO Food Price Index 1990-2012 Reasons for Hunger

19 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Speculation Reasons for Hunger

20 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H 203 Millionen Hectares between 2000 and 2011 (Source: Land Matrix Partnership : Land Rights and The Rush for Land 2013) Average Size 40,000 Hectars One Quarter of Investments are over 200,000 Hectares (Source: Worldbank 2010) Landgrabbing Reasons for Hunger

21 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Solutions How can we increase agricultural production that we can feed the World in 2050? Path A: Industrialised Agriculture including GMO

22 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Path A: Industrialised Agriculture including GMO High increase in Productivity, but not sustainable: high wastage of nature & resources monopolised agricultural production indebtedness of agicultural producers loss of employment in agriculture (few winners – many loosers) loss of biodiversity Solutions

23 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Path B: further development of traditional agriculture systems with a special focus on the inclusion of small scale producers ( recommendations of International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD): Solutions There is enough for everybody! Agricultural science and support must be aimed at sustainable small scale production!

24 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H not only a question of increased food production, it’s also a question of distribution a political question a question of state obligations a question of rights! Hunger reduction is

25 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Right to Food Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Art 25.1 „Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.“

26 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Right to Food International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) Formulated at the United Nations in 1966 In force since 1976 Ratified by Indonesia in 2006

27 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Right to Food is further strengthened and specified by Right to Food 1) General Comment on International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 1999 2) FAO-Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realisation of the Right to Adequate Food 2004 3) FAO-Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of Food Security 2012 4) Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) 2013 establishes an individual complaint and inquiry mechanism

28 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H The states have to achive a progressive realisation as known from all esc rights. This progressive realisation contains the different types or levels of state obligations: respect, protect and fulfil. respect = the state itself mustn't hinder one’s access to food protect = the state must prevent thirds from hindering one’s access to food fulfil = the state has to realise the right to food for everyone respect protect fulfil Core content: Freedom from hunger Art 11 (2) ICESCR Right to adequate Food Art 11 (1) ICESCR Model by Michael Windfuhr International Obligations

29 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H The obligation to fulfil can be disaggregated into three different obligations: The obligation to facilitate requires the state to take positive measures to assist individuals and communities to enjoy the right. The obligation to promote obliges the state to take steps to ensure that there is appropriate education and information concerning the right. The obligation to provide requires the state to cure for the enjoyment of the right by food supply or the financial possibility to purchase food. facilitate provide promote Core content: Freedom from hunger Art 11 (2) ICESCR respect protect fulfil Right to adequate Food Art 11 (1) ICESCR Model by Michael Windfuhr International Obligations Indonesia ratified ICESCR in 2006!

30 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H May 2012: Committee on Food Security (CFS) approved the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. A new tool for Governments and Civil Society Organisations to address land issues! Obligation Respect & Protect Recent Debate on Access to Ressources

31 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H 2004 2012 download under: Obligation Respect & Protect

32 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H to reduce hunger among those people, who have limited self-help capacity: elderly people, people with disabilities etc. Recent Debate on Basic Social Security Obligation Fulfil

33 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H May 2012: International Labour Conference adopted ILO Recommendation Concerning National Floors of Social Protection A new tool for Governments and Civil Society Organisations to address basic social security! NGOs that were involved in the drafting of the ILO- Recommendations formed the platform: Coalition for Social Protection Floor (SPF Coalition) Recent Debate on Basic Social Security Obligation Fulfil

34 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Obligation Fulfil download under:

35 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Okt. 2012: Committee on Food Security (CFS) endorsed the Policy Recommendations regarding Social Protection for Food Security and Nutrition Recent Debate on Basic Social Security Obligation Fulfil

36 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Obligation Fulfil download under:

37 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H FAO developed principles, which should govern decision-making & implementation:

38 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Okt. 2012: UN Special Rapporteur on the „Right to Food“ Olivier de Schutter and the UN Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona call for the creation of a Global Fund for Social Protection (GFSP) Recent Debate on Basic Social Security Obligation Fulfil Support from an European Parliament Report

39 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Right to Food in Indonesia Indonesian Legal Framework Food Act – Law 18/2012 Food Security Council still has to be translated into decrees Constitution ?

40 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Rights based strategies can 1) strengthen the legal system 2) be important tool for public pressure Value Added Approach

41 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Rights based strategies can 1) strengthen the legal system - international level - national level - regional level - local level 2) be important tool for public pressure - international level - national level - regional level - local level Value Added Approach

42 BfdW-Partner Meeting Bogor, Nov. 4 th to 6 th, 2014 Results from India H Terima kasih atas perhatiannya! Thanks for your interest! Martin Remppis Brot für die Welt Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1 10115 Berlin

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