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Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14.

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1 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-1 14 Unit Promotions and Transfer

2 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-2 What is Transfer Transfer is the lateral movement of employees from one position, division, department or unit to another. Such movement of employees from one job to another may be either due to promotion, demotion, organisational restructuring or may be for routine administrative reasons (some organisations do not allow employees to remain in the same job for a longer duration, which are sensitive in nature). Generally transfer does not involve any significant change in compensation, duties, responsibilities or even status.

3 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-3 Objectives of Transfer The objectives of transfer are to: 1. Increase organisational effectiveness. 2. Add to the versatility and competence of key personnel. 3. Cope with the fluctuations in work requirements. 4. Rectify erroneous placement. 5. Relieve boredom and monotony. 6. Set right incompatibilities in employees relations. 7. Look after the interests of the employees (their health or age-group, family problems, etc.) 8. Provide creative opportunities 9. Train employees for their future advancement or promotion.

4 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-4 Different Types of Transfers 1. Production Transfers 2. Replacement Transfers 3. Versatility Transfers 4. Personal or Remedial Transfers 5. Shift Transfers

5 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-5 Transfer Policy In order to be impartial and objective, transfer policy and procedures must be established and made known to all employees. A good transfer policy must answer the following questions: What type of transfers are to be used? When? What is the area over which transfers will be effected? What is the basis used for effecting transfers? Who is responsible for initiating and approving transfers? Should transfers be permanent or temporary? What is the rate of pay and other facilities the transferred employee should receive on his new job? Is training necessary to effect a transfer?

6 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-6 Limitations of Transfer The right of transferring abroad is not implied. However, in the absence of a provision in a contract of service to the contrary, a firm of Chartered Accountants with accounts in foreign countries may order an employee to go into a foreign state to work on a client's accounts. Many organisations, however, make it a point to include a paragraph in the terms and conditions of the letter of appointment of their would be employee before its issue in a language or similar there to "you would be liable to transfer from your present place of posting to anywhere in India or abroad." This often saves the organisation from future confusion or embarrassment.

7 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-7 Promotion Promotion basically is a reward for efficiency. It is conferment of additional benefits, usually in the form of higher pay, for an increase in responsibility or skill which is formalised by an increase in status or rank. Yet, in another way, promotion can be defined as advancement of an employee in an organisation to another job, which commands better pay/wages, better status/prestige and higher opportunities / challenges and responsibilities, a better working environment, hours of work and facilities, etc. 'Promotion from within' as a system in an organisation outlines the policies and procedures for internal promotion of personnel. The basic difference between 'promotion' and 'promotion from within lies in the fact that promotion policy in an organisation, as such, may incorporate provisions for recruitment from the outside to man promotional vacancies but 'promotion from within' policy in an organisation strictly provides for internal recruitment only to man such vacancies.

8 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-8 Cont…. Forms of Promotion Informal and Formal The informal form of promotion or the promotion at the discretion of the employer is the oldest form of promotion, which enables the employer (s) concerned to promote those employees who have the requisite ability and merit. The formal form of promotion, contrarily, ensures objective evaluation of the responsibilities and duties vis-à-vis different levels of an organisation. Open and Close In case of the open form of promotion, organisations do not restrict themselves to the existing employees only for the purpose of filling promotional vacancies. The closed form of 'promotion from within' policy, restricts the candidacy for filling promotional vacancies to the existing employees only of the organisation concerned.

9 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-9 Other Forms Promotion can be grouped according to the following four forms: a. Movement to an authoritative position; b. Movement to a highly-skilled and highly-evaluated job; c. In-grade progression (upgradation) and d. Widening of duties and responsibilities associated with the existing job with some increase in payment.

10 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-10 Elements of Promotion We can deduce the following elements of promotion from the definition contents of promotion and `promotion from within': 1. Upward Advancement 2. Enhanced Responsibilities, Status and Prestige 3. Better Pay and Wages 4. Other Elements

11 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-11 Objectives of Promotion 1. To put an employee in a position where he will be of greater use to the organisation and where he is expected to derive increased personal satisfaction and have an increase in his emoluments; 2. To recognise an individual's performance and reward him for his work so that he may have an incentive to forge ahead; 3. To boost morale and encourage loyalty and help develop a sense of belongingness so far as an employee is concerned; 4. To promote job satisfaction and to motivate an employee to continue in the organisation; 5. To attract suitable and competent employees to the organisation and finally; 6. To provide opportunities to an employee (who has not succeeded in gaining promotion) to enhance his skills and abilities required for superior performance.

12 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-12 Promotion Policy 1. Preparing a statement showing ratios of internal promotions to direct recruitments at each level, mentioning the method(s) of selection (e.g., trade test and interview) and indicating the qualifications desired. 2. Identifying the network of the related jobs and the promotional channels for each job, taking into account the job relatedness, the opportunities for interacting with the executive placed in the higher levels with a view of fostering job learning and the qualifications (both academic and professional) and the work experience required. 3. Developing the procedural norms for determining employees' seniority and deciding whether it should be considered in a plant-wise or unit-wise or an occupation-wise manner. 4. Developing the relationship between disciplinary action and promotions.

13 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-13 Basis of Promotion  Seniority  Merit Rating  Quota System  Trade Tests  Promotion by Examinations  Age-group Preference  Personal Attributes  Performance Appraisal  Promotion Alternatives  Lateral Horizontal Transfer

14 Excel Books Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Copyright © 2006, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya Promotions and Transfer Unit:14 Block: Five Employee Mobility 14-14 Job Rotation Job Mobility Repetitive tasks develop boredom and jobs become increasingly dehumanised and dissatisfying to the employees. Some companies try to reduce this boredom through job rotation, which is a systematic movement of workers from one job to another. Such movement or rotation in different functions increases the skills and functional efficiency of the employees as they are exposed to different business situations. Job Enrichment Job enrichment is basically the restructuring of a job to make it more interesting and stimulating. This concept has been developed by Herzberg. Job Enlargement Job enlargement is the horizontal regrouping of tasks and implies mere addition of more functions and increase in the task variety.

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