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Vocabulary Quiz Flashcards for Quiz #3 Language Arts | English Mr. Jeffers.

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1 Vocabulary Quiz Flashcards for Quiz #3 Language Arts | English Mr. Jeffers

2 Directions: If you’re using an iPod, simply scroll through each of the slides to view the vocabulary word first. Then, on the slide following each vocabulary word, you’ll find the definition. Enjoy!

3 Shrew

4 an offensive term for a woman who is regarded as quarrelsome, nagging, or ill- tempered

5 interject

6 interrupt with a comment: to say or insert something in a way that interrupts what is being said or discussed

7 harridan

8 a scolding, vicious woman; hag

9 aloof

10 1. at a distance, esp. in feeling or interest; apart: They always stood aloof from their classmates. 2. reserved or reticent; indifferent; disinterested: Because of his shyness, he had the reputation of being aloof.

11 circulate

12 1. to move in a circle or circuit; move or pass through a circuit back to the starting point 2. to pass from place to place, from person to person, etc.: She circulated among her guests.

13 converge

14 1. meet: to reach the same point coming from different directions the place where the roads converge 2. become same: to become gradually less different and eventually the same

15 expound

16 describe and explain something in in further detail

17 bespectacled

18 with eyeglasses: wearing eyeglasses

19 query

20 1. a question or inquiry 2. A doubt

21 stoutness

22 bulky in figure; heavily built; corpulent; thickset; fat

23 reiterate

24 to say or do again or repeatedly; repeat, often excessively.

25 beseech

26 to beg urgently; to implore eagerly

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