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Mr. Quick Westwood View Elementary 2015-16 School Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Quick Westwood View Elementary 2015-16 School Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Quick Westwood View Elementary 2015-16 School Year

2 Welcome! O Your “Quick Hitters” sheet contains the following: O (email: best contact method) O (newsletter, flipped math) O **Let’s talk flipped math points. O @QuickSMSD (Twitter for pics, homework, reminders, fun stuff) O (see lesson plans, this week and next) O **enter my email and the code is quick (lowercase) O (Reading responses)

3 – For TEXT alerts! O Text @quick151 to 81010 O It will send you a text…reply with your first and last name, and your child’s name in parenthesis if your last name is different. Keep the text or enter the # as a contact to save. O *You can reply…but email is best for correspondence. The texts do not come to my phone, just the remind app. I check my email more often.

4 Philosophy O All students can and will succeed in my class, and in life. It is incumbent on the students to take advantage of opportunities and take ownership over their learning. All students are part of the classroom community and have a right to their opinions and beliefs. We welcome different backgrounds, cultures, and ways of thinking. Students are expected to contribute to the overall quality of our classroom environment, while learning, having fun, and gaining new knowledge and skills that will make their lives better.

5 Quick note… O SMSD grades were not averaging, but I did receive an email that the problem is fixed, so grades should be up-to-date.

6 Student Expectations O Be at school everyday, on time. O Complete all assignments in the given time frame. O Grow as learners and people throughout the year, learning life-improving skills. O Respect adults and peers. O Be THE role models for the school. O OWN their work and their attitude.

7 Teacher Expectations O Engage students in rigorous and relevant lessons, and show them the value of learning to their lives. O Support all students and help them succeed. O Form relationships and earn trust. O Communicate clearly and effectively with all stakeholders (parents, other teachers, etc.) O Care about two things above all else: students’ well-being and student learning. O Open doors for students that can lead them to a better future…helping them become college and career ready.

8 Parent Expectations O Be active and supportive in your child’s academic success. O Make sure students are in school, on time, everyday. O Keep in touch with Mr. Quick with questions, comments, clarifications. O Encourage students to succeed at high levels. Expectations are essential. O Do not make excuses for your student(s). Do not burden students with easy ways out…let them be accountable and responsible.

9 Let’s Talk iPads O iPads are required every day. They should come to school charged O School apps take precedent over “fun” apps O Let’s talk paperless… O Rules and Regulations O Technology is a tool…how it is used is up to use! O This is NEW!

10 Westwood View would like you to know: O A newsletter will be sent home each Monday (alternating between school and PTA news). O Check your email and the school calendar for important information. O Keep your directory! O NO birthday treats allowed. O All visitors go through the office…not the classroom doors. O Refrain from bringing items for your child (forgotten lunch, instruments, homework). Let them learn from their experiences. O Do not walk students to class. If you would like to chat with Mr. Quick outside of an email, please set up a meeting. (*I carpool with my wife many days!)

11 Some Key Rules/Policies O Late work is deducted 10% per day (maximum of 89%). No name = same rule. O QQE (quickly, quietly, exactly) is an expectation. O No math work shown – no grade. O No whining, no complaining, no excuses! O The common sense clause. O I will not force anyone to be friends…but respect and kindness are expected. O Discipline will be handled discreetly when possible. I will only discuss your student with you. O NO iMessaging students. If it is an emergency, call the office please.

12 I will treat all students fairly. I will not treat all students the same.

13 Questions?

14 Additional Student Slides O See next slides for additional student slides.

15 What does it look like? O Maximum effort at all times O Respect O Listen while others speak O Be polite O Avoid trouble O Stay on task O Use common sense O QQE O No whining, no complaining, no excuses!

16 What can hurt my grade? O No name = 10% (max 89%) O Late = 10% every day (max 89%) O Cheating/copying = Automatic ZERO/parent call O No iMessages (not paying attention!) – EVEN FROM PARENTS!

17 Supply Drop Off! O Please place the following on the table at the front of the room: Tissues, Disinfecting Wipes, and Any Paper EXCEPT NOTEBOOKS! O Everything else goes in your desk! Thanks! O ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES NEEDED: 2 graphic spiral notebooks (grid paper). We will use these for math –students may use notebook paper, but grid paper makes it easier to line up place values and decimals in computation problems! ***We will be reading novels throughout the year, and I may ask you (with plenty of notice!) to purchase certain novels. I will always try to have extras, and please know that used books from Amazon (or a used book store) is perfectly fine!

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