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OPRC Level 3 Spill Response Strategies Limitations and Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "OPRC Level 3 Spill Response Strategies Limitations and Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPRC Level 3 Spill Response Strategies Limitations and Issues

2 OPRC Level 3 2 Overview Main oil spill response strategies Their limitations Issues that may arise

3 OPRC Level 3 3

4 4 Strategies Monitor and evaluate Dispersants Containment and recovery Shoreline protection Shoreline clean-up Waste management Alternative technologies

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6 6 1 Monitor and Evaluate Safety issues The towing option Natural weathering of oil Environmental reasons to leave alone Monitor movement of oil: –Aerial surveillance –Computer models Be prepared to take appropriate action

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8 8 Monitor & Evaluate - The Issues Competence –Lack of organisation –Unable to respond Cost cutting – cheap way out! Lack of concern –Environment –Community Lack of action – gambling on outcome

9 OPRC Level 3 9 2 Dispersants Permission – policy pre-approval Effectiveness Encounter rate: –Ship spraying –Airborne spraying Logistics

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11 OPRC Level 3 11 Factors Affecting Decision to Use Dispersants Oil type – viscosity & pour point Regulations / government policy Resources at risk Weather and water temperature Sea state, energy and hydrography Window of opportunity

12 OPRC Level 3 12 Dispersants – The Issues Toxicity: –Effect on environment –Public health What happens to the oil? Adding a further pollutant Convenient “out of sight” option Affects other strategies

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14 OPRC Level 3 14 3 Contain and Recover High capital investment Logistics Operational limitations Encounter rate Training Temporary storage and final disposal

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17 OPRC Level 3 17 Containment & Recovery –The Issues If it fails or has poor success: –Competence –Lack of preparedness Logistical support Disposal – pre-approval of sites

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19 OPRC Level 3 19 4 Shoreline Protection Prioritisation of sensitive areas Effective use of available resources Logistics and practicality Cost effectiveness

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23 OPRC Level 3 23 5 Shoreline Clean-up Shoreline type –sensitivity –amenity –access Project management –labour intensive –low technology

24 OPRC Level 3 24 Labour intensive Low technology Logistics Project Management

25 OPRC Level 3 25 Shoreline Clean-up – Strategy Evaluation: –Survey –Shoreline type –Degree of oiling Priorities Conflicts of interest: –Amenity vs. environment trade off

26 OPRC Level 3 26 Sensitivity Amenity Access Shoreline type

27 OPRC Level 3 27 Shoreline Clean-up - Stages PRIMARY SECONDARY FINAL POLISHING Heavy contamination and floating oil Moderate contamination: stranded oil & oiled beach materials Light contamination & oil stains

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31 31 Shoreline Clean-up – The Issues Pollution plainly visible Direct and indirect impacts on: –ecology, amenity & industry Clean-up activities –who is responsible? –how clean is “clean”? –termination decisions External pressures –media, political and ecological groups

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33 OPRC Level 3 33 6 Waste Management Significant quantities: waste multiplies Disposal management: –Temporary storage –Transportation –Final disposal options Liquid wastes: –Reprocessing / recycling –Combustion Solid wastes: –Combustion –Landfill –Biological techniques

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41 OPRC Level 3 41 Case Histories 12 00022 00072 000 Sea Empress 2 000-85 000 Braer 250 0001 10019 800 Erika 33 00013 00035 000 Exxon Valdez 165 00085 000225 000 Amoco Cadiz Solid wasteLiquid wasteSpilled

42 OPRC Level 3 42 Waste Management – The Issues Often the major problem Expensive and time consuming Importance of waste segregation Importance of waste minimisation Regulatory controls over disposal options Limiting factor - determines success of whole clean-up operation

43 OPRC Level 3 43 7 Alternative Technologies In situ Burning Combustion requires: Igniters Low water content in oil Minimum oil thickness (2mm) Specialised booms Bioremediation Accelerated biodegradation requires: Addition of nutrients Addition of micro- organisms

44 OPRC Level 3 44 Alternative Technologies –The Issues Burning Expensive equipment Conditions for effective operation are hard to fulfil Environmental concerns: unburned residues; sunken oil

45 OPRC Level 3 45 Alternative Technologies –The Issues Bioremediation Not a “quick fix” but long-term treatment Limited success

46 OPRC Level 3 46 Key Messages Combat strategy needs to be determined at contingency planning stage Awareness of strengths and limitations of different options Importance of waste management and final disposal solutions Response strategy decisions affect waste management issues

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