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Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) Bob Kephart Impacts on Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) Bob Kephart Impacts on Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) Bob Kephart Impacts on Society

2 A partnership between Department of Energy and the State of Illinois  To encourage and enable Fermilab to work closely with industry and universities on Accelerator Technology Development and Education  To develop new accelerator technology based products and high tech industries to the U.S. and to Illinois (industrial competitiveness) IARC: What is it? 2 RDK, Dec 2011 2

3 Presidential Memorandum on Accelerating Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Federal Research in Support of High Growth Businesses (Oct. 28, 2011) – President Obama directed Agencies with Federal laboratories “…to establish performance goals to increase the number and pace of effective technology transfer and commercialization activities in partnership with non-federal entities, including private firms, research organizations, and non-profit entities.” DOE Accelerator Stewardship Mission -- DOE/OHEP has taken on the mantle of stewardship of accelerator science and technology within DOE-SC with a thrust related to applied technology. Aligned with National Priorities 3 RDK, Dec 2011 3

4 2012 Senate Energy and Water Appropriations (Sep. 7, 2011) – The FY12 appropriations for DOE/HEP: “The committee understands that powerful new accelerator technologies created for basic science and developed by industry will produce particle accelerators with the potential to address key economic and societal issues confronting our Nation. However, the Committee is concerned with the divide that exists in translating breakthroughs in accelerator science and technology into applications that benefit the market place and American competitiveness.” “The Committee directs the Department to submit a 10-year strategic plan by June 1, 2012 for accelerator technology research and development to advance accelerator applications in energy and the environment, medicine, industry, national security, and discovery science.” Aligned with National Priorities 4 RDK, Dec 2011 4

5 New ideas in accelerator technology seem to die for three reasons  Inadequate resources (financial or personnel) in industry, universities, or labs to demonstrate feasibility of an idea  During the transition from small scale technology demonstration to a commercial product  Lack of acceptance of the new technology by potential customers (ignorance or prejudice) that is cured only by large scale demonstrations IARC can help fill these gaps IARC: Business Model (Gaps) 5 RDK, Dec 2011 5

6 Work with Industry, University, and Laboratory partners to promote the development of accelerator technology, projects, and applications Promote the growth of high tech industry based on accelerator technology leading to new products and capabilities Work with University partners to create an educational center for accelerator science and technology IARC: Mission Statement 6 RDK, Dec 2011 6

7 The State of Illinois, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) has provided a $ 20 M grant for the construction of IARC Combined with a $ 13 M contribution from DOE and a refurbished $ 38 M heavy assembly building at Fermilab Together the will create a $ 70 M complex to enable the IARC mission IARC: Physical Plant 7 RDK, Dec 2011 7

8 Refurbished heavy assembly building used for the construction of the CDF experiment at the Tevatron 42,000 sq ft: 50 T crane; deep pit for radiation shielding of accelerators; cryogenic, electrical and cooling water infrastructure; IT networks; 40 offices, etc CDF building (DOE provided) 8 RDK, Dec 2011 8

9 9 IARC OTE Building (State funded) 9

10 23,000 SF of Office Space (145 offices) 3,900 SF New Lecture Hall 900 SF Executive Meeting Room 3,700 SF Light Tech Space New Dining Area with cold food service New 55-car parking Interior connection to CDF bldg 10 New Office Technical & Education Building RDK, Dec 2011 10

11 RDK, Dec 201111 Sloped/Tiered Seating Fixed desks with power and wireless Lecture Hall 175 person capacity  Seating for 90 on 2 levels  Outdoor Dining area IARC OTE Building (State funded)

12 Accelerators and the economy About 30,000 accelerators are in use in the U.S. These devices are very important to the future prosperity and security of our country Major socio-economic impact on society  All digital electronics (computers, cell phones, televisions, ipods, etc)  Consumer products (airplanes, cars, tires, food packaging, medical supplies, etc)  Health and environment (medical treatments & diagnostics, pollution control) Many of these applications grew from accelerator technology development for High Energy Physics Many other uses are envisioned for in the future  New sources of sustainable energy (Accelerator Driven systems)  Preservation of the environment (flue gas and water treatment, etc.) RDK, Dec 201112

13 Accelerators for Discovery Science RDK, Dec 201113 These Accelerators have transformed our understanding of the nature of the universe we live in but represent only 1% of all accelerators in use

14 Industrial Accelerators are already big business R Hamm, HEPAP, March 2010 RDK, Dec 201114

15 Accelerators for Americas Future Symposium held in Oct 2009 in Washington DC, hosted by the Department of Energy Chaired by W Henning, ANL and Charles Shank, Director LBNL(retired), attended by > 400 scientists  Details of the symposium and the report are available at Attempt to capture some of the important uses (current and planned) of accelerators in the next few slides (Acknowledgement: Some figures in this talk were taken from AAF report) RDK, Dec 201115

16 Accelerators for Industrial Processes RDK, Dec 201116 Electron Beam Welding and Machining e.g. PAVAC Energy Corp. Deep welds, low weld shrinkage, dissimilar or refractory metals, etc Widely used in automotive and aerospace industry Drill 3000 holes/sec! Electron Beam Irradiation (e.g. improving heat resistance of coatings wire and Cable, crosslinking polymers (tires!), curing paint and inks, etc) 1500 dedicated facilities worldwide

17 Accelerators for Industrial Processes Ion Implantation RDK, Dec 201117 $ 1.5 B in Accelerator sales each yr R Hamm, HEPAP, March 2010

18 Accelerators for National Security RDK, Dec 201118 More than two billion tons of cargo pass through U.S. ports and waterways annually. Many ports now screen cargo for weapons or nuclear materials with gamma-ray scanners, based on radioactive isotopes such as cobalt-60.However, high-energy X-rays generated by particle accelerators can make this process faster, cheaper, and safer

19 Accelerators in Medicine RDK, Dec 201119 Electron accelerator Based X-Ray facility For cancer treatment (Varian Medical systems) Rhodotron, commercial electron beam accelerator used For sterilization of medical devices

20 Accelerators in Medicine Proton Cancer Therapy RDK, Dec 2011 20 Industry Loma Linda Proton Therapy and Treatment Center World’s 1 st proton accelerator built specifically for proton therapy Designed and built at Fermilab Technology Demonstration

21 Accelerators in Medicine Carbon Ion’s: An opportunity! RDK, Dec 2011 21 depth CERN Accel School Depth determined by beam energy dE/dx depth IonsX-rays > 5000 electron linacs are used to treat over 10, 000,000 cancer patients each year, Proton therapy is becoming more popular because it is more effective at destroying tumor vs benign tissues Medical Accelerators based on Carbon Ions have the potential to deliver even larger doses to tumors with high Relative Biological Effect (RBE) at precisely controlled locations tumor

22 Accelerators for the Medical Isotopes RDK, Dec 201122 “Turn key” cyclotrons produced by industry are routinely used to produce radio- pharmacy isotopes for molecular imaging ( 18 F, 11 CO 2 11 CH4, 13 N, 15 O, etc) PET =Positron Emission Tomography

23 Accelerators for the Medical Isotopes RDK, Dec 201123 Great ideas and capability is the starting point Successful fielding of accelerator products depends on products with reliable designs, support services, training programs, demonstrated cost feasibility and acceptance by the potential customer base!

24 Accelerators for the Environment RDK, Dec 201124 Electron accelerators are effective for  Purifying drinking water (destroying pesticides, organics, etc)  Treating industrial waste water  Disinfecting sewage sludge  Removal of Nitrogen and Sulfur oxides from flue gases from coal- fired power plants However, despite many R&D demonstrations and pilot plants the penetration of these promising technologies into the U.S. market is very limited Why?  Lack of funding for follow on projects and full product development  Potential users are conservative and need turn-key solutions

25 Accelerators for the Energy Accelerator Driven Systems RDK, Dec 201125 Key to use of Nuclear Energy for carbon free energy production is reduction of radio-toxicity and lifetime of nuclear waste Accelerator based transmutation when combined with geological disposal has the potential to make nuclear power acceptable to society ADS can also potentially make use of non-fissile fuels like Thorium Superconducting RF Linac’s can provide high beam power & efficiency MYRRA ADS concept, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

26 Other applications RDK, Dec 201126 There are many other accelerator applications that I cannot cover in this talk due to time constraints Examples:  Synchrotron light sources for medical and materials studies: Protein structure, DNA research, etc ( large & growing demand, increasingly important for commercial drug development)  Food preservation ( Need public acceptance!)  Accelerator based radiography for large industrial castings, rocket motors, munitions, etc  Ion beam based materials analysis (many techniques)  Accelerator based Mass Spectrometry  Heavy Ion Fusion, Inertial fusion accelerators (e.g. ITER) for energy production  Defense (e.g. FEL based ship board missile defense systems) e.g see also “Industrial Accelerators & Their Applications” by Robert Hamm

27 Opportunity to put substance behind the claim that HEP is the developer/steward of accelerator technology within the Office of Science Opportunity to function as a center for accelerator based projects ( e.g. Project X, or other non-HEP Projects in the Office of Science, e.g. NGLS,FRIB ) and to partner with other labs (e.g. ANL) Opportunity for Fermilab (and ANL) to become a National center for accelerator education Opportunity to establish additional funding sources outside HEP or with industry develop IP Opportunity to develop technologies that benefit society bringing recognition to the DOE SC laboratories and to Fermilab IARC: The Opportunity for Fermilab 27 RDK, Dec 201127

28 Fermilab has:  a world-leading accelerator engineering and scientific staff that have the potential to make an impact beyond the field of high-energy physics.  core capabilities and infrastructure that are unique, and that could potentially be used in application beyond the field of high-energy physics.  And will have the IARC physical plant in 2013-2014 Industry can leverage these assets to create new accelerator based products and capabilities IARC: The Opportunity for Industry 28 RDK, Dec 201128

29 IARC and its program of accelerator applications is new territory for Fermilab, we have just begun to dip our toes into these waters. However the potential impact on society, the economy, and the lab is very large Even without a “formal” IARC program announcement there is lots of interest from Industry A great opportunity for both of us! But… the challenge is to craft a successful program Will be developing the business model and “listening” to get this part right… Stay tuned ! RDK, Dec 2011 29 Conclusions 29

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