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Picking the laser ion and matrix for lasing

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1 Picking the laser ion and matrix for lasing
Rare–earth ions Have shielded electron shells - Long life times – store energy Many hosts: YAG, YLF, YVO4, glass ... Double tungstates: (KYW ) high rare–earth doping high cross sections short crystals can be used suited for diode pumping

2 Passively Q-switched micro-chiplaser
gunnars laser Typical data 1 kW, 5 ns, 10 kHz G. Karlsson, et al., Appl. Opt. 39, 6188 (2000).

3 Diode pumped solid-state laser – the green pointer incorporating nonlinear optics

4 Combination of rare-earth materials and
Engineered nonlinear crystals in DPSSL Pump diode Gain media PPKTP Frequency Mixing of two DPSSLs in PPKTP Energy diagram for Neodymium Pump green = blue = Turquoise 491= yellow = Wavelength Transition Stimulated emission cross-section 1064 nm R2  Y3 4 ·10-19 cm2 946 nm R1  Z ·10-20 cm2 938.5 nm R2  Z ·10-20 cm2

5 Kr-ion laser replacement
Diode pumped Solid-state Lasers - DPSSL Intra-cavity SFG laser Yellow light nm -> 593 nm 3 W +3 W gives 700 mW CW yellow light J. Janousek, S. Johansson, P. Tidemand-Lichtenberg, J. Mortensen, P. Buchhave and F. Laurell, Opt. Exp. 13, (2005).

6 Combined diode and solid-state lasers for Ar-ion laser replacement
An intra-cavity SFG laser locked by a transmission grating Turqoise laser nm nm 30 mW with modulation for bio-application S. Johansson, S. Wang, V. Pasiskevicius, and F. Laurell, Opt. Exp., 13, (2005).

7 Moulded version (plastic)
The Silicon micro-bench laser concept Laser crystal Lens Fiber Pump A silicon chip structured by KOH etching with sub-micron resolution Si-chip Laser-chip mounted in Si-micro bench 6.5 W at 1064 nm 2 W Q-switched at 1064 nm with 1.4 ns pulses Nd:YVO4 chip cut from a 1 inch wafer for the Si-chip Moulded version (plastic) Q-switch bonded chip D. Evekull, S. Johansson, S. Bjurshagen, M. Olson, R. Koch and F. Laurell, Electron. Lett, 39, (2004).

8 Er:micro-chip laser tunable with fiber-Bragg grating
Acetylene G. Karlsson, N. Myrén, W. Margulis, S. Tacheo and F. Laurell, Appl. Opt.. 42, 4327, (2003)

9 Volume Bragg gratings A grating permanently inscribed in a photothermal glass Narrowband reflection peak Tailored performance Made in durable and cheap glass Optical Material Period, L Thickness, d Strength, n1 O.Efimov et al., Appl. Opt. 38, 619, (1999)

10 Why VBGs in lasers ? Reduced linewidth Stabilized output Tunability
Spatial mode filtering Low quantum defect Increased efficiency? The glass Transparent: nm High damage treshold: >10 J/cm2, >100kW/cm2 Low absorption: < 0.2%/cm Low scattering: < 2%/cm

11 External cavity Bulk Bragg grating locked Er-Yb laser
Modes in internal cavity and external cavity Frequency tuning Linewidth < 90 kHz

12 Nd:GdVO4 laser Bandwidth < 40 MHz
B. Jacobsson, et al. “Single-longitudinal-mode Nd-laser with a Bragg-grating Fabry-Perot cavity”, Opt. Express 14, 9284, (2006).

13 Yb:KYW laser with low quantum defect
3 mm, 5% Yb:KYW Conventional input coupler Bragg grating input coupler

14 Laser with low quantum defect
Quantum defect: (1.6%) energy difference between pump and laser photons Motivation Reduced heat load -> improved performance at high power Access to new laser wavelengths (near pump wavelength) Spatial Pump: M2 = 35×5 Laser: M2 < 1.1 997 nm Pump: Dl = 2 nm Laser: Dl = nm (10GHz) J. Hellström, B. Jacobsson, V. Pasiskevicius & F. Laurell Opt. Express, 15, (2007)

15 Oblique incidence – change of grating period = wavelength tuning
Beam steering when tuning No beam steering with retroreflector Grating at oblique incidence - rotate l=l0cosq

16 Widely tunable narrow linewidth Yb:KYW laser using volume Bragg gratings
incidence angle wavelength Reflectivity retroreflector Δλ = nm (10GHz) Very low quantum (1.6%) defect laser J. E. Hellström, IEEE J. Quantum Electron, 44, 81 (2008)

17 Why fiber lasers? Fibers guide light efficiently with low losses
Double-clad fibers allows simple poor-pump-to-good-signal conversion, even at high power Fibers can provide functionality for mode filtering, spectral filtering etc Fibers have excellent thermal handling Fiber lasers support a broad gain Poor quality pump light

18 Spectral control of fiber lasers
Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) Gain fiber Difficult to write gratings in doped fibers Low-loss splicing problematic Narrow bandwidth can be a problem Diffraction gratings Large beam necessary for narrow linewidth Large complicated setups often necessary

19 VBG locked fiber lasers
Nd-doped fiber - µ-structured design Core diameter = 18 µm, V-number ~18 (multimode) Similar slope efficiencies – mirrors vs. VBG Linewidth 0.07 nm (compared to 7 nm with mirror) Close to diffraction limited output Simple cavity design P. Jelger and F. Laurell, Opt. Express 15, , (2007)

20 High power VBG Er:Yb-fiber laser
Slope eff. ~44 % Slope eff. ~24 % Slope eff. ~27 % Δλ = 0.4 nm M2~5.5 The role-off at 100 W is due to onset of strong ASE J. Kim, P. Jelger, J. Sahu, F. Laurell & W. Clarkson, Opt. Letts. 33, 1204 (2008)

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