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Education Social Institutions. Education Why do we even go to school? –Two types of functions: Manifest Latent.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Social Institutions. Education Why do we even go to school? –Two types of functions: Manifest Latent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Social Institutions

2 Education Why do we even go to school? –Two types of functions: Manifest Latent

3 Education Why do we even go to school? –Manifest Intended and recognized result Manifest functions all have latent negative, or dysfunctional, consequences According to functionalists, a key purpose of education is transmitting culture Since functionalists believe that social institutions contribute to the stability of society, teaching culture is essential if a society is to survive

4 Education Why do we even go to school? –Manifest The educational system is the major force in creating a society with homogeneous values, norms, beliefs, and attitudes. Through intelligence and achievement testing, an individual’s talents and aptitudes are identified and students are placed in appropriate curricula

5 Education Why do we even go to school? –Manifest Education provides an environment in which individuals can improve the quality of their lives and prepare for the world of work

6 Education Why do we even go to school? –Latent A latent function is an unintended and unrecognized result The educational system has latent functions, both positive and negative

7 Education Why do we even go to school? –Latent Latent functions that are positive include: –Serving as day care facilities –Dating and marriage pools –Provision of daily activities that keep juveniles indoors and reduce daytime delinquency –Training of athletes

8 Theories of Education Tracking (Functionalism) –Schools shape the occupational future of children by placing them in educational programs based on test scores and early school performance GT? High end colleges and scholarships Average? Average colleges Below Average? Trade school or junior college Failing? Manual labor or service jobs Special Ed? Manual labor or service jobs

9 Theories of Education Tracking (Functionalism) –Schools shape the occupational future of children by placing them in educational programs based on test scores and early school performance Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz and 8 other books C/D student from Pearland until a senior psychology class he took because of a girl he liked Reed College in Oregon

10 Theories of Education Meritocracy (Conflict) –Students attending better schools have an occupational advantage (get better jobs) over students from poorer schools

11 Theories of Education Hidden Curriculum (Symbolic Interaction) –Schools teach children the values of conformity and achievement

12 Current Issues in Education Bureaucracy –Public education in the United States is an impersonal bureaucratic process in which schools are based on specialization, rules, and procedures –In the bureaucratic model, education can be accomplished most efficiently when students are grouped into similar stages of development

13 Current Issues in Education Bureaucracy –Efficiency, the ultimate goal of a bureaucracy, is also increased when teachers teach the same content so that materials can be approved and purchased in bulk, and testing can be standardized

14 Current Issues in Education Bureaucracy –According to critics of formal schooling, the schools’ bureaucratic nature is unable to respond to the expressive, creative, and emotional needs of all children and a less- rigid, more democratic alternative would be preferable. –Depressing stat of the day: The longer you’re in school, the less creative you get

15 Current Issues in Education Other Issues – Declining Results –Charter Schools –Pay Scales –Teacher Unions Waiting for Superman –What are the problems with education? –What do we do to fix them?

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