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 You will need to go to a station 1, 2, and 3.  Take your toolkit with you to record in.  Once at a microscope use only the FINE adjustment knob if.

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Presentation on theme: " You will need to go to a station 1, 2, and 3.  Take your toolkit with you to record in.  Once at a microscope use only the FINE adjustment knob if."— Presentation transcript:


2  You will need to go to a station 1, 2, and 3.  Take your toolkit with you to record in.  Once at a microscope use only the FINE adjustment knob if you need to focus.  Draw your field of view, title your drawing and label it with the total magnification.  Identify the type of microorganism.

3  Open text to Chapter 5  Read intro page (Monerans just a fancy word for bacteria)  Look at all the pictures and diagrams, read the captions  Skim the reading  Find the diagram of the virus (also called bacteriophage) Fig. 5-6  Find the diagram of the bacteria Fig. 5-12  (Title the next page in your Toolkit: Microorganisms)  Draw-(do not trace!) the virus and bacteria diagrams on this page in your Toolkit, under each flipper.  Label all the structures from the diagram and color your diagram.  Repeat the same process for Chapter 7-fungus Fig. 7-7


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6  One celled organism  No nucleus, so genetic material freely floats in cytoplasm  May be good or bad  Must have bacteria in digestive tract  Decomposer, cause illness like T.B. and other infections  Grows in colonies, usually circular or lines


8 Develop a short skit, song, reading, poem, Something to show your team’s understanding of the life cycle of a virus.

9  Alive or not? Can NOT reproduce without a host cell.  Can NOT be seen with a compound microscope, must use electron microscope  Takes over living cells and multiplies like crazy then blows up cell, more viruses go do the same thing  Disease Causing  Ex: Cold, flu, HIV, warts, coldsores

10 d=o1PDwiiIOFJxSM::&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmoldy%2Bbread&hl=en&usg=__4f8n2EUeWWvBAz31J0SMJPV9xCs=&ei=j0HASZe9 FpK2sAOQ9egv&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1


12  Decomposers that live off other organisms, usually dead organisms  most are “fuzzy”  Ex: molds, yeast, mushrooms, athlete’s foot, and ringworm


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