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Henri Cartier-Bresson Photographer, Filmmaker (1908–2004) "I adore shooting photographs," he'd later note. "It's like being a hunter. But some hunters.

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Presentation on theme: "Henri Cartier-Bresson Photographer, Filmmaker (1908–2004) "I adore shooting photographs," he'd later note. "It's like being a hunter. But some hunters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henri Cartier-Bresson Photographer, Filmmaker (1908–2004) "I adore shooting photographs," he'd later note. "It's like being a hunter. But some hunters are vegetarians—which is my relationship to photography."

2 About him.. Henri was born on august 22, 1908 in Chanteloup, France. He was the oldest of five. His family was wealthy, his father made a fortune as a textile manufacturer. Education.. Born august 22, 1908 1927 a two-year studying painting under noted early Cubist, André Lhote, then moved to Cambridge University further in art and literature courses. 1940 joined the army but was captured by German forces and forced into prison-of-war camp for the next three years. traveled to Africa in 1931 to hunt antelope and boar. experimented with a simple Brownie he'd received as a gift, taking pictures of the new world around him. For the rest of his life he focused on photography, his main focus on pictures he took was lighting. In 1966, he gave up photography and focused his time on drawing and painting

3 Where do you see his work? Cartier-Bresson's was amazing at his work as a photographer. By the mid 1930s he'd shown his work in major exhibits in Mexico, New York, and Madrid. His images revealed the early raw possibilities of street photography and photojournalism. Henri was known as a French photographer whose humane, spontaneous photographs helped establish photojournalism as an art form. Santa Clara, Mexico, 1934-35 New York, 1947 Madrid, 1933

4 Inspiration.. Henri’s whole life he loved taking pictures and art. In India, where he met and photographed Mahatma Gandhi shortly before his assassination in 1948. Cartier-Bresson's subsequent work to document Gandhi's death and its immediate impact on the country became one of Life Magazine's most prized photo essays. He traveled all over he world and met a lot of people and liked what they did he went from painting and drawing, photography.

5 CHINA. Beijing. December 1948. A mother huddles her baby close to her, hoping that her sign will bring help. A refugee in the big city. She has written "I am called Sun” This picture is taken outside which gives the natural lighting look. The sun would be above her sign which allows the camera to get a clear and lightened shot. The main focus of the picture is the baby. This photo tells a story, The mother lives her life to keep this baby alive and healthy so she can raise it to accomplish extraordinary things. This photo has leading lines and selective focus. And nothing is chopped off which makes it one story in a picture.

6 FRANCE. PARIS. PLACE DE L'EUROPE. GARE SAINT LAZARE. 1932. This picture has natural lighting. The sun is over the roof tops allowing the shadow of the man running. The main focus of this picture is how horrible the town looks the flooding and the shadows of everything. I think the leading lines of the fences and the roof tops make the picture look so nice and nothing is chopped off it’s a cold day and everyone off doing their own thing.

7 FRANCE. Paris. Pont des Arts. French writer and philosopher, Jean-Paul SARTRE. 1946. This is my favorite picture he took there is so much story to this. I love how the man has two different colored eyes and how sad and unhappy he looks.It really makes you think about the picture and what effect its makes upon you.The main focus is the man with the pipe.The lighting is outside it looks like a cold day.Not only that the picture is using rule of thirds.

8 Svetlana BERIOSOVA, prima ballerina. I love how all henri’s pictures have character to them. The lighting in this picture is just from the light above the mirror there is no flash. its all natural lighting in the room. The main subject of this photo is the ballerina getting ready.I think this is using leading lines because her arms and the refection’s arms are lined.

9 FRANCE. Basse-Normandie. Calvados. Honfleur. 1955. This picture is beautiful. This is a picture of the horizon line of the city and the water. The lighting is probley a flash. I think the picture would come out darker if it wasn't., I don’t think the water would be exposed so much if it wasn’t flash. I also like how old the town looks. Its capturing the city at that time and how beautiful it looks with the mountains in the back ground.

10 FRANCE. Marseille. The Allée du Prado. 1932. This is one of my favorite pictures. The trees give it character. They are using leading lines and the man has the sun behind his which is making him look like he has an ora and I love how this looks, like its telling a story. It really makes you think why the man was standing there, he could have been positioned or maybe he was just captured at the right moment.

11 Citations Research from…. Pictures from… ID=24KL53ZMYN&FRM=SubHeaderFrame:MAGO31_13

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