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Lecture 20 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to 37607 After joining session, text your question.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 20 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to 37607 After joining session, text your question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 20 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to 37607 After joining session, text your question

2 Lecture 20 objectives Compare ATP production in the ETC and PS Describe the RUBISCO reaction that fixes C from CO 2 Describe the series of reactions that assimilate C from CO 2 Understand regulation of Photosynthesis Describe the types and functions of lipids

3 Another ETC! Generating energy

4 C-fixation: The Calvin cycle

5 A reaction of life: RUBISCO


7 Generating Ribulose 1,5-bis phosphate

8 The balanced Calvin cycle

9 Photosynthesis – the overview

10 Coordinating reactions



13 Thioredoxin regulates many enzymes

14 What are lipids

15 Triacylglycerols

16 Fatty acids

17 Unsaturated fatty acids - nomenclature

18 Triacyl glycerols

19 Heading

20 Unsaturated fatty acids – cis VS trans

21 Trans fats

22 Phospholipids

23 Sphingosine & Sphingolipids

24 Glycolipids

25 Lysosomal storage disorders


27 Sterols


29 Signaling molecules

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